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end of woodbury

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end of woodbury

SCARLETT GOT TO SEE WOODBURY FOR THE FIRST AND HOPEFULLY LAST TIME. They found Karen, a woman in the Governor's army, being the only person left alive in said army. The Governor killed the entire army, no matter the age or gender, because he was throwing a tantrum. Karen was lucky to be alive, and she was luckier that they ended up finding her.

When they made it back to the town, Karen told the girls on the wall what happened. She told them how Rick and his group were not all bad. The Governor was bad... and they had to get out of there before he came back because it was obvious he had yet to return.

Karen showed the group into town, yelling for everyone to come out and listen to what he had to say. Those who were left were either sick, elderly, or children just about. Rick sighed, knowing the right thing to do was going to be hard.

"Your Governor just killed his own army after his failed attack against us!" Rick yelled, the gruff voice he used showed nothing but authority. Scarlett bit back a smile as she clutched her rifle tight. Rick was simply meant to lead.

"You may have heard his twisted tales on what we did to y'all... but he never said what he did to us first! Your Governor is crazy... Karen can attest to that... so I'm offering a way out before he comes back looking to finish the job. We can bring you into the fold... as a group. And as a group, there is no Governor. We all make decisions together. I'm not sayin' it'll be easy, but it's what's right," he said, glancing around at everyone. "If ya want to come, pack your things. We leave in fifteen... want to get out before he shows up."

Immediately everyone scrambled away to get their belongings. Rick clenched his jaw as everyone stared at him a bit in fear. He was tired of that look. He was tired of always fighting.

Turning to face Karen, he asked, "Where's Andrea?"

Karen furrowed her brows. "Andrea hopped the wall going for the prison. I let her go."

"She never made it," Daryl commented, ignoring the looks from the people of Woodbury.

"She might be here," Michonne told them.

Rick set off to the chamber where the Governor kept his friends—his family. He kicked open the door, making sure he stayed in front of Scarlett as they split into groups to open up his torture rooms.

"This is where he had Glenn and Maggie," Rick told Karen as she had followed.

"The Governor held people here?" she asked with wide eyes.

Daryl laughed mockingly. "He did more than hold them."

They heard a loud thumping sound, and Scarlett's head found the door they had yet to open. She gulped, not wanting to know what was behind the doors but knowing they had to find out. They all approached the door carefully before Daryl had the balls to kick it open.

"Andrea!" Michonne yelled, falling to her knees next to the woman. Rick fell next as Scarlett surveyed the room. A man was lying on the ground dead, and they could all see the bite on Andrea. Scarlett looked down, not wanting this to happen. They never could catch a break. It was a constant struggle.

"I tried to stop them," Andrea whispered out, grimacing in pain.

"You're burning up," Michonne said softly, feeling her head.

Andrea shook her head as her eyes met Rick's. "Judith, Carl, the rest of them..."

"Us," Rick corrected. His own voice was full of grief. Daryl had to look away as they all thought of the time Andrea was in their lives. "The rest of us."

"Are they alive?" Andrea asked, trying to muster up a smile for them.

"Yeah, they're alive," Rick answered.

Andrea hummed in acknowledgment before looking at Michonne. She squeezed her hand. "It's good you found them. No one can make it alone now. I never could." She paused and shook her head. I just didn't want anyone to die." Her voice cracked as a tear rolled down her face. Scarlett watched Michonne wipe a tear off her own face. "I can do it myself."

"No," Michonne immediately disagreed.

"I have to. While I still can. Please?" she looked at Rick, nudging him with her foot as she smiled. "I know how the safety works."

"Well, I'm not going anywhere," Michonne said.

The others slowly left the room after saying their goodbyes. Scarlett crouched in front of her, placing a shaky hand to hold Andrea's cheek. "You did good."

"I tried," Andrea whispered, another tear leaving her eye.

Scarlett left the two women, closing the door behind her. She felt Rick pull her in his arms as she leaned her forehead against his chest. Her body shook, but it was not from cries. She was not crying this time. It was more like sobs that would not escape. It was heartbreaking to hear the single gunshot go off that had them all jumping.

It did not take long to get everyone on a bus that the Governor had. Sasha drove the bus with Michonne with her. The others went back to their cars to lead the way. It was going to be hard with all these new people, but they had to make it work. They just had to.

"What is this?" Carl asked when they began unloading the people off the bus back at the prison.

"They're gonna join us," Rick told him.

Carl shook his head in disbelief, stalking off. Scarlett sighed, glancing at the children that got off the bus. So far she could see two little girls and a boy that looked around Carl's age. "Maybe this'll be good for him."

"I hope so," Rick muttered.

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