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the grimes family

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the grimes family

RANDALL SEEMED TO BE THEIR NEXT PROBLEM AS EVERYONE WOKE UP WHEN THE SUN GOT HIGHER IN THE SKY. They had trouble in town... a gang trying to kill them for killing two of their own. Rick said they drew first, and she believed them. After Randall's leg was set and he was cuffed to the shed, Scarlett went to wake up the kids while the adults argued.

Stepping into her room, she saw Carl already awake and rubbing his tired eyes.

"Hey," he murmured, throwing his legs over the side of the bed. "Is Dad back?" She nodded, glancing at the shed through her window warily. "What's wrong?"

She sighed, gesturing for him to get up and go eat. He grinned softly as she placed his hat on his head with a pinch of his cheek. She softly shook Sophia awake, deciding to plait her short hair so it was out of her face. She found some jeans and a t-shirt that she could maneuver to fit her. Sophia hugged Scarlett tightly before rushing off to find her mom.

Scarlett knew they were going to be disposing of the bodies in the barn, so she got herself together and decided to go help.

Lori sat next to Rick, waiting for him to say something. They had a long discussion, and she did not want her first love to hate her. She felt him reach over and grab her hand which made her glance up at him.

Before he could say something, Scarlett stepped outside looking for someone. When her eyes found Lori's, she smiled slightly before looking at Rick. She pointed at Daryl and the group who were about to get the bodies ready to burn.

"You don't need to help, sweetheart," Lori said. "You've done so much for us."

Scarlett waved her off with a chuckle before hopping down the steps just as Carl raced down from inside the house and jumped on her back. Scarlett twirled around while the pair laughed before she ran off toward Rick's group.

"She's so good," Lori said softly. "So pure. Rick, what're you thinking?"

"I'm thinkin' we should've gotten this taken care of before the  dead started walkin'," he chuckled softly, squeezing her hand. "I love you, Lori. I'll love this baby whether it's mine or Shane's. I love Carl. Hell, I love Shane. I... I don't blame you for wantin' comfort. I don't. So, if you think it's time to do what's best for us... then, I'll agree."

"I love you, Rick... but I'm not in love with you anymore," she whispered. "I just don't want you hatin' me. Hatin' Shane... He never made a move before this. He's always been your best friend first." They turned when they heard Carl's laughter. Scarlett was tickling him. "I see how you look at her."

Rick's gaze jolted back to Lori's. "No... I- I'm lookin' at Carl... I... what do you mean?"

"She trusts you. Don't break that trust, Rick Grimes."

"So, what now?" Rick murmured softly.

"We talk to Carl. Make sure he's okay. Then, we talk to Shane," she whispered, pulling his hand to kiss his knuckles. "Are you okay?"

Rick nodded. "Let's get Carl."

Scarlett did not know how the conversation between the Grimes family was going. She and Shane were loading Annette and Shawn onto a truck to be brought to the burial sight. Glenn was digging the graves, and the others were bringing the bodies to be burned.

Shane felt guilty after Lori's long lecture about his rant about not finding Sophia and how Hershel was nuts and Scarlett was a phony who would end up killing them all in their sleep. She found Sophia. She took care of Carl. He had to calm down. The new world did not have to take him down with it.

"How many walkers did you take down?" Shane asked her as they made it to Glenn to try and start a conversation. She did not reply. "It was real bad ass of ya, Miss Scarlett. Was brave, too." Smiling slightly at him, she jumped off the bed of the truck and began to pull Shawn's body off. "Let me help ya."

He touched her shoulder causing her to flinch. Glenn glanced up as Shane sighed watching her rush toward Glenn and taking the shovel from him. She began digging instead, and Glenn hopped up. "Earn her trust," Glenn muttered to Shane. "Be careful next time."

Shane shrugged. "Thought she was getting better."

"Give her time," Glenn stressed, helping him instead as they let Annette's and Shawn's bodies finally rest. They would do the ceremony when Hershel was ready. He was still inside helping Beth.

Scarlett saw Carl rush from the house toward the woods. Rick rushed out after him, and Scarlett saw his eyes widen as Carl left with no weapons.

Scarlett ran after him, giving Rick a nod as she passed. Daryl watched from afar, rolling his eyes at the family drama that Scarlett is just pulling herself into.

"Hey," she called, causing Carl to stop walking next to the creek. He glanced at her with confusion on his face. "C'mere."

"Do people stop loving each other? Is it normal?" he murmured.

"No one stops lovin' someone they fell in love with," she began, caressing his hair. "Both Lori and Rick love each other, but they don' feel in love anymore. They wanna be happy with you, but they don' want to be at each other's throats anymore. Feel me?"

"How'd you know about it?" Carl asked, his innocent eyes looking up at her.

"Heard your Mama talkin' to Shane. You like Shane, don' ya?" she asked as they sat down. Carl watched her put her hand in the water to feel it.

"Yeah. But I don't want Dad and Shane hatin' each other because Mom loves them both... or that's what she said," he said, still confused.

Scarlett turned and gave him a bright grin. "You know how lucky you are, kid?" she asked, poking his side. "You not only have a Momma and Daddy that love you to death, but you're gon' have another Daddy-like-figure who's gon' love ya just as much! And maybe your Daddy will find a nice woman, and you'll have another Momma! So much love just for you... I mean look at'cha! You're the best boy I've ever met," she told him. "And everyone loves you. So so much. Everyone lookin' out for ya... you're one lucky boy."

Carl nodded, leaning on her shoulder.

"And this lil baby," she said softly. "Gon' be the biggest blessing we ever saw. You're gon' be the best big brother, and it'll have so much love around it."

Carl nodded again, finally calming down.

"If you don' want your Momma to date Shane, I'm sure she'll understand," she whispered after a bit. "But don' force your Momma and Daddy together. They need to be happy just like you."

Carl nodded. "I think I'm just shocked I didn't see it," he murmured. "I want them happy."

"You're such a good kid," she whispered, leaning her head on his as Rick stepped into the clearing. He had heard everything, and he had never felt so grateful for someone in his life. Scarlett turned to see Rick and Lori standing there. Lori only heard the end, but even she was happy about what the girl said. "Look, talk to 'em," she said softly as she stood. Carl nodded as his parents came over to take her place.

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