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the randall situation

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the randall situation

HERSHEL GAVE NICE STORIES ABOUT ANNETTE AND SHAWN AT THE CEREMONY. He even gave a thanks to the Lord above for them finding Sophia and for everyone staying as safe as they could be, especially with the Randall situation.

Glenn held Maggie's hand while Beth clutched onto Jimmy. She was finally awake, though she was still so depressed and exhausted with losing people. Scarlett squeezed Beth's hand once, placing a small stone on Shawn's grave. She kissed her fingers, touching the small tombstone they made. He was okay now. In Heaven or wherever he believed.

Walking off toward the woods, because that's where she dealt with her grief, she felt someone following her. Turning her head slightly, she sighed seeing it was Daryl. He was one of the main ones who never wanted her to go out alone.

She did not know why Daryl cared so much about her.

"You think they should kill Randall?" he asked after a moment of them walking. "That's what Shane wants. Rick don' know if he wants to kill 'im or let 'im loose."

"He tried to kill them out there. Guess I couldn't care less which way," she murmured, clutching a knife as she saw a walker. "Kill or be killed," she grumbled as she let the knife go through the skull of the walker. "Ain't that what y'all were provin' by opening the barn?"

"You mad 'bout that?" he asked in surprise.

"Just mad I wasn't the one to put down my Aunt and Cousin," she mumbled after checking the pockets of the walker. Daryl watched her in confusion.

"Why do you talk to me?"

"Saw yer back," she muttered as they kept walking, meaningless walking. But as she said that, Daryl froze. She stopped as well, seeing him growing angry. "Wasn't tryin' to snoop. You got out of the bathroom wearin' no shirt the first night, girl couldn't help but look," she teased, watching him blush a bit at her words. "Then, I looked too much. I got 'em, too."

Daryl nodded as they sat on a log. He stared up as a bird flew by. He could have killed it if he was not so preoccupied with the girl.

"Wanna talk 'bout it?" he asked.

"Nah," she whispered back in reply. "Maybe one day, but I got enough to think about without openin' those doors."

"I get it," he murmured before taking out a cigarette. She watched him light it and take a long drag before letting the smoke leave softly. He turned to her, watching her watching him. "What?"

"Such a mundane thing," she whispered. "Didn't think I'd see a cigarette again."

"Well, if I'm gon' die anyway, who cares 'bout my lungs," Daryl joked with his dark sense of humor. She laughed softly, pulling her knees to her chest.

"Nah, you'll be the one who lives out of all of us," she told him. "Too stubborn to die."

Daryl scoffed. "Only thing that kills a Dixon, is a Dixon." He saw her smile at his words. "Yer gon' make it, too."

"Maybe," she whispered. "Carl will. He and Sophia. Just got'ta get her trained like Carl. Carol's got to agree."

Daryl nodded as he stood. "She will. Got to. Don' wan' 'er bein' lost in the woods again." He held out his hand for her to take. She took it hesitantly, letting him lift her up. "You don' got to be scared anymore. Whoever it was. They ain't hurtin' you anymore. Not with us around... Rick... me."

"I'm trying," she replied. "Thanks, Dar."

He rolled his eyes. "Don' tell no one I got a soft side. Never hear the end of it," he teased as they began the walk back to the farmhouse. "Like the Chupacabra?" She nudged him playfully when he tried to trip her just to see her laugh. She groaned when they got closer to the group, seeing Shane and Rick arguing mildly.

It was better since Lori spoke to the men, at least.

Now, they just had to stop the dick sizing contests.

She made it over as Shane said killing him would be in the best interest of the group. Scarlett frowned at how scared he sounded for a moment as he brought up Lori's pregnancy again. Rick agreed with him that they needed to be safe, but not like this.

"Let's get some information out of him first!" Rick shouted. "Whatever we can. Besides, I thought we were gon' drive him out?"

"You think the lil' shit is gon' blab?" Shane scolded him. "Drivin' him out still gives him a chance to bring his men back."

"Listen, someone here needs to get information out of him," Glenn told them with a shake of his head. "We need to figure this out now."

Daryl grunted. "I can talk to the lil' shit. Give me half an hour."

Scarlett sighed as he walked off, and everyone dispersed after that besides the Grimes family, Shane, and Scarlett. Carl looked between his supposed family in confusion. He did not want them arguing like this.

Lori smiled at Shane, squeezing his shoulder before doing the same with Rick. She then grabbed Carl's hand and led him inside with, "Sort this out" her passing words.

Scarlett rubbed her eyes, a sense of tiredness hitting her. She looked between the two former partners and sighed, knowing she would be the voice of reason again.

"Killin' is never right," she began while watching Rick smile slightly before she turned to Shane, "but he's right. We got'ta protect our own. We give 'im a chance, we might die. Drive 'im out, fine, but don' let him draw a wedge between you too. You're gettin' things sorted finally with the co-parenting shit, so fix this too. Good night." With that, she shoved past them and went inside hoping to rest again.

Violent Silence • Rick Grimes ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن