-- BONUS -- Terminus --

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this is when rick found out about scarlett being pregnant. thought it was a cute scene to add as a bonus!
xx alexis


RICK KNEW TERMINUS WAS A BAD IDEA. It's why he hid his bag of gear, and it was why he tried to get Carl and Sophia to stay out while they scoped it out. He could hear Scarlett in his head, pleading for him to keep Carl and Sophia safe.

He had never felt more relief when Daryl told him Scarlett and Judith were alive.

It was one of the first things Daryl told him after their run in with Joe and his band of assholes. Rick had been wiping his face with Daryl's rag when Daryl had grunted out he was sorry. Rick asked what for.

"For losin' ya girls," he whispered back brokenly.

Rick did not blame him, of course.

He knew Scarlett was stubborn, and as long as she had Judith, he could be rest assured that they would find each other one day. That day seemed to grow farther away as they were made to get inside of a large train car after a shootout between the people of Terminus.

Rick and Michonne had seen a bunch of their friends' belongings in the hands of the Terminus folk... they knew with no doubt that something had happened to them.

Rick was the first to make it inside the train car, and he could feel they were not along inside of it. Carl reached his father as soon as they were out of sight of Gareth, and he whispered that he was scared. Carl rarely let his emotions show.

Sophia was on the verge of tears, but Daryl rubbed her shoulder softly when she got inside.


Rick's eyes jerked up to see Glenn first. Relief went through him as Maggie appeared next, along with Sasha, Bob, and some newcomers. His relief fell for a moment as he wished to see Scarlett, but he was glad she was not here. If she was here, Judith would be, too.

"You're here," Maggie whispered as Sophia rushed forward to hug the woman. Maggie breathed out as Glenn moved to hug them next. "You're here."

After they all had hugged each other, Daryl pointed his stare at the newbies. A tall, ginger man. A short, Latina woman. A man with an awful mullet. And a girl who Rick vaguely remembered to be on the Governor's side before the prison fell.

"They're our friends," Glenn said quickly. Rick nodded, taking Glenn's word as they needed more people to get out of this alive. "They helped save us."

"Yeah. Now they're friends of ours," Daryl grunted out, pushing against the door a bit to see if it would budge.

"For however long that'll be," the redheaded man spoke with a gruffness in his voice.

"No," Rick grumbled, looking around at all of them. Scarlett wormed her way into his head, promising to see him soon. Just get out of there, Sheriff. Rick nodded as if she really spoke to him. "They're gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out."

"Find out what?" the man replied.

"They're fucking with the wrong people."


ABRAHAM, ROSITA, EUGENE, AND TARA INTRODUCED THEMSELVES TO THE OTHERS. Immediately Maggie's worry went to Beth and Scarlett, despite the obvious fact that they should be thinking of an escape plan. She asked them if they had seen Scarlett or Beth as the prison went to hell.

"Yeah," Daryl mumbled, still feeling like shit for losing the three girls. "Had Judith, Scarlett, and Beth."

"Had?" Glenn whispered back.

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