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the party

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the party

LAUGHTER WAS HEARD OUTSIDE THE HOUSE. Daryl stared at it warily, picking at his thumb with his teeth in anxiety. He decided he had to try, for Scarlett. He was failing, though.

Turning, Aaron was standing on his porch watching him with a small smile.

Carl sat with Sophia on a small pier. She held his hand tightly as he thought about the events of that day. She pulled his knuckles to her mouth and kissed them delicately.

Maggie stood at Deanna's side, meeting all of the locals. She gave Glenn worried looks here and there, but she stayed where Deanna needed her.

Carol was breaking into the armory, the plans they made still intact no matter what.

Sasha stormed out of the party after it became too much for her. She had yelled at a lady just because the lady wanted to know her favorite food.

Noah and Tara stayed by each other, Eugene following. They were all worried, but they put on smiles. Rosita and Abraham following their lead.

Rick opened the door before walking around the wheelchair that held the love of his life. Michonne held Judith as Rick pushed Scarlett inside, the woman holding Annie in her arms.

Deanna cheered loudly.

"There's our future rolling in the door now!" Deanna called as everyone cheered.

Scarlett was still pale, but she had gained a little color back. Annie was asleep in her arms as the woman was not ready to let her go yet. Maggie sighed in relief, walking over to them. She kissed Scarlett's cheek as Michonne closed the door behind them.

"How are you feeling?" a woman asked.

"Should you have left the infirmary already?" another man asked.

"Wow," Jessie said, pushing through the crowd. "You look good for just being cut open."

Scarlett snorted a laugh. "Feelin' good, I guess. Pete's pumped some drugs in me... feelin' all right. Hey, you think Deanna's gon' be mad I didn't dress up?"

"No," Glenn said with a laugh.

Scarlett gestured to her sweat pants and t-shirt. "I swear I was gonna, but Rick said to stay comfy. I listened."

"Good man," Deanna said with a smirk. "You look healthy. The baby looks healthy. That's all I care about."

Scarlett smiled, reaching her hand out to grab Glenn's. "Thanks again for helping me get to the infirmary." She looked at Maggie. "And thank you for being there for me. I know it wasn't easy after Lori."

Maggie leaned down, kissing her forehead. "I got you."

Annie began to fuss in Scarlett's arms. She looked to Rick. "Can you wheel me to the bathroom? I think she wants to eat." She glanced around, noticing the others were still looking at her in awe. "I'm tryin' to breastfeed just in case we don't find formula on the next run."

"Do it here. Just cover up," Rosita said, bringing over a blanket from the couch. "No one will judge you, Momma. You brought a baby in the world."

Scarlett smiled, looking at Rick. He was worried still. " Go mingle, Constable. I'm okay. Michonne, you, too. Judith needs to make friends."

Both rolled their eyes at her but agreed nonetheless. Rick kissed her in front of everyone before walking off, muttering about needing a drink.

Scarlett looked at Abraham with a grin. "Could you wheel me away from the door?"

"Whatever you say, Firecracker."

He moved her, and Tara helped Scarlett take off her shirt on one side under the blanket—totally not admiring Scarlett's large breasts—before backing away. Scarlett winced a bit causing the others to ask what's wrong.

"Annie likes to bite on 'em."

"We'll get along then," Abraham commented teasingly, sipping his beer as the others laughed.

Scarlett smiled as she looked around the room. It was a real party. Sure, their group stayed near each other, but everyone was mingling. Scarlett knew she probably should have stayed in bed, and her stitches were killing her from sitting too long, but she wanted to see this. She needed to see this. It was a core memory. They were going to make this place home.

Rick came back over, bringing a few cake pops that someone made. He watched her groan at the taste. Smirking, he asked, "How are you feelin'? When you're ready to go, let me know."

Scarlett nodded. "Bring me more of them, if you don't mind."

Rick chuckled, nodding as he walked away. Jessie came over, Judith in her arms.

"You know, she's lookin' a bit like Rick," she said gesturing to Judith. Scarlett smiled tightly, not knowing what to say to that. She saw Lori more, and maybe Shane, but she never wanted to tell Rick that. It was something they never discussed. It was his baby. His and Lori's. Now, she was Scarlett's and Rick's.

"I see her Mom more," Scarlett chuckled. "But Annie, here, Annie came out with a full head of curls just like Rick."

Jessie grinned. "Listen, if you ever need a break. I am more than happy to watch over them."

"Thanks, Jessie," Scarlett said with a smile.

Rosita walked over, stealing Judith. "My turn, assholes. Her favorite tia is here."

Annie let go of her nipple, and Scarlett asked for help again so that she could burp the baby without flashing her nips to the party. Don't think it is that kind of party.

Maggie helped her this time, picking up Annie with a smile on her face. "My little niece. Hello, beautiful." She put her on her shoulder, gently beginning to burp her. "Where's the towel? I like this shirt."

Glenn grabbed it from the bag, placing it on Maggie's shoulder. Scarlett snickered, gaining Glenn's attention. "Heart eyes for your wife holding a baby? Maybe if you didn't steal all the condoms—!"

"Drop it!" Glenn called back playfully, rolling his eyes.

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