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carol and tyreese

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carol and tyreese

SCARLETT KEPT RUNNING, BUT HER LUCK RAN OUT AS HER ANKLE ROLLED AND SHE FELL. Her body twisted in time so that Judith stayed on her chest and she landed on her back. Two walkers were left, and Scarlett was feeling like giving up. Judith cried even louder, and for some reason, Scarlett just did not care anymore.

Her own tears left her eyes as she scooted back, ignoring the throbbing pain in her ankle. "Please," she whispered, not even knowing what she was pleading for anymore.

Her back hit a tree as the walkers closed in on her. She was openly sobbing now, forgetting all her survival skills as she just wanted the pain to end.

The walker got close to her when a bullet went through its head.

It fell as the other turned to look at the noise. Scarlett's head whipped around as well to see who fired the shot.

Her eyes widened as Carol fired one more shot, killing the other one. Next to her, Tyreese stood there with wide eyes.

"S-Scarlett?" Carol stammered out.

Scarlett stared at the woman with wide eyes as she recalled her last conversation about Carol with Rick. For some reason, she did not care about anything at that moment as she let Tyreese help her stand. Scarlett fell into Carol's arms, sobbing opening as Judith's cries quieted down. Carol hugged her tightly before she turned and hugged Tyreese tightly.

"Ho–How did you? Why did—? I can't—Daryl, Beth—Judith and the baby... I can't breathe," Scarlett murmured out, not making any sense.

Tyreese quickly unstrapped Judith from Scarlett's body as he held her to his chest. Carol kept an arm around Scarlett as she began leading her to the house Tyreese and Carol were staying at.

"What about Daryl? Have you seen 'im?" Carol asked as they walked.

"Back at the funeral home. Walkers. The dog," Scarlett murmured brokenly. "Jude. Beth. The baby."

"I think she's in shock," Tyreese said. "Come on."

They made it back to the house that seemed untouched in the woods. Scarlett did not get to look at much before Carol pulled her inside. They sat her in the rocking chair before Carol grabbed a towel and wet it. She placed it on Scarlett's head.

"Judith's okay?" Carol asked softly to Tyreese.

"A little shaken up, but she's okay," Tyreese told her as he laid Judith on the couch with a blanket wall keeping her there. "Scarlett, hey, what happened?"

"Was with Daryl and Beth," she murmured, eyes staring at the fire. "Walkers attacked the funeral home. 'Bout three miles South. Daryl and Beth said to meet at the highway. Had to distract the Walkers, Carol. I had to save Beth."

Carol smiled a motherly smile as she caressed Scarlett's cheek. She stood up straight, looking at Tyreese. "M'goin' after them. They could still be waiting for Scarlett. Hell, they could be in those woods right now."

"Want me to go?"

"Keep an eye on them," Carol nodded toward Scarlett who was absentmindedly rubbing her stomach.

Hours later, Carol came back, a frown on her face. Scarlett was drinking some water as her eyes widened at the lack of the hunter and her cousin.

"Weren't there. Fresh tire marks. Maybe they found a car," Carol whispered. "Saw another Terminus sign, though. We should leave tomorrow morning. We could get there by nightfall."

"Terminus?" Scarlett asked softly.

"It's this Sanctuary place. Says the signs anyway," Carol muttered. "Get some rest, honey—"

"Why didn't you kill me?" Scarlett asked softly causing both Tyreese and Carol to freeze. Tyreese had already heard the story. He had not completely forgiven Carol for what she did, but he knew he had to push it back until he found his sister. Their family. They had to keep going. "Back at the prison?"

Carol's breaths were shaky as she stepped away from Scarlett and looked at the fire. "I... I was. Had the gun aimed at your head and... I could break into the cell if I really wanted to... but I didn't want to. I didn't want to kill Karen or David either. Instead, I just managed to break the IV bag that was on your bedside table with a knife. I thought that was as good as killing you." She was crying now. "I just wanted to protect Sophia. Carl. Judith. Our group. Now—"

"Hey," Scarlett whispered, grabbing Carol's shaky hand. "Rick said you didn't regret it. You were doin' it to save us. I don' agree with it. Not at all, but it's done. And I'm still here."

"I couldn't do it," Carol muttered as Scarlett pulled Carol to her chest. "I couldn't. You saved my baby. You've done so much, and I couldn't do it."

Tyreese let a tear fall as he stepped outside.

"We're fine. We gotta be," Scarlett told Carol. "Tell me about what happened since y'all left?"

Scarlett listened to Carol recount everything that happened since the prison, Tyreese walking back inside and adding his own two cents. Scarlett told them about the baby. About what she, Daryl, and Beth went through. She told them how Judith had been so good despite it all. Carol broke down all over again when she said what happened to Lizzie and Mika.

"Did you see Sophia get out?" Carol asked.

"No. I didn't see anything," she whispered, pulling off the dirty bandage on her arm. Her debris wound was almost healed now. Wiping her face with her hands, she murmured, "What about y'all? Anyone saw Rick? Carl? Maggie?"

"I saw Maggie lurking around A Block looking for Glenn," Tyreese told her. "Never saw them leave though. Rick was on the ground fighting the Governor when I ran."

Scarlett nodded, hand going to her stomach.

"He'll be excited," Carol murmured.

Scarlett laughed mockingly. "No, he won't. He'll be angry that we have another problem. Judith is finally getting to the age where she doesn't scream bloody murder every four hours. Now, he'll have to do it all over again. He'll be worried I'll end up like Lori—"

Tyreese shook his head. "He'll be excited. Don't think so poorly."

"Can't help it," Scarlett murmured before rubbing her eyes. "Wake me for my turn for watch."

"Sure," Tyreese told her as Scarlett's eyes began to droop. He looked at Carol near Judith, running a soft finger through her hair. "You okay?"

"You don't have to be nice to me," Carol told him. "It's okay to pretend I'm not here."

Tyreese smirked. "Can't do that. Go to sleep, Carol. I'll take first watch."

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