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the bite

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the bite

SCARLETT WAS IN IMMENSE PAIN. She took deep breaths, trying to calm her racing heart. They could barely move under the dumpster, and she was just bit.

She was just bit.

"Oh my God, Glenn. Glenn!"

"Scarlett, I have to cut it off," he told her in his own panic. "I have to cut it off or you'll die!"

Scarlett took deep breaths. She was panting. She looked at the dumpster above her as Glenn stabbed another walker. She was going to die. She was going to die. She needed to calm down. Right? "Yeah. Do it."

Glenn grabbed a rag from his pocket. He hurried to try and take off his belt. Scarlett had tears leaving her eyes.

"Hey, I'm not letting you die. No. Not happening!" Glenn grunted. "Bite on this," he shoved fabric from his torn shirt. "Just—Just keep your eyes open. Ya hear me?"

Scarlett watched him stab another walker as she put the fabric in her mouth. Her nostrils flared in pain as Glenn tied his belt around her lower arm. He only needed to take off her hand. The walker bit into her wrist.

She nodded when he asked if she was ready.

The dumpster left no room for this, but Glenn made it work. He took a deep breath, apologizing before the knife went through her arm.

Scarlett's eyes widened as she screamed through the fabric. She felt him saw it like her arm was a piece of wood. She pleaded for him to stop. She pleaded for him to let her die. She screamed loudly, attracting more walkers no doubt. Glenn was crying. He was whispering that it would be okay. It had to be.

Once her wrist was off, Glenn took the rag and tied it around the small stump. She was losing consciousness now. Her eyes were fluttering open and close.

"Stay awake," Glenn demanded, tying the rag. He ripped some of her shirt, tying it on top. He kept doing that, trying to control the bleeding. "Damn it! Stay awake!"

Scarlett reached up, pulling the fabric from her mouth.

"Y'think there's a cure?" she whispered brokenly. "Y'think one day this'll end? Y'think Annie and Jude won't have to grow up in this?"

Glenn did not respond as he killed another walker that tried to grab her hand that laid next to them.

She chuckled. "Let them have it. Maybe they'll forget about us."

Glenn hesitated before nodding. He pulled off her wedding ring, pocketing it and promising to keep it safe. He then threw her hand out of dumpster far down the alley. The walkers ran after it like dogs.

She chuckled again.

"I'm going to die here, Glenn. Don't blame yourself," she murmured. "It's okay."

"You're not dying. Look, they are going toward the hand. We can get out and into that building. Okay? You gotta stay awake. Help me out so we can get you help," he told her.

"You're gonna be such a good Daddy," she murmured, watching him wrap another layer of fabric on her stump. "Make sure Rick watches over Annie. Judith. Carl. He's gotta watch them. Promise me you'll make him when he shuts down."

Glenn ignored her, taking her gun out of the holster. "Stay here. I'm gonna take out those three that are left. Okay? Stay awake, Scarlett."

Scarlett hummed, tears leaving her eyes.

Scarlett watched Glenn leave the dumpster's safety. He stabbed the three that were still on this side of the alley easily. He rushed back, ignoring the growls from the ones behind the fence.

He began to pull Scarlett out, trying to ignore her cries of pain.

"Hey, heads up!"

Scarlett's head jerked, noticing a water bottle flying down at them. It crashed next to her feet, spilling water everywhere.

"Shit. I said heads up."

"Enid?" Glenn asked. "Enid. She's bleeding out. Do you have anything!? Help us!"

Enid's voice was not heard again until she said, "Third window."

Glenn rushed to the balcony ladder. He looked at Scarlett. "You gotta be strong. Just a little bit longer. Okay? Climb. I'm right here to help you."

Scarlett nodded drowsily. She felt her legs moving, and she held on tightly to the ladder with her good hand—her only hand. She made it to the third window, and Glenn helped her get in there.

"What are you doing out here?" Glenn called.

Enid ignored him. "There's another water bottle in the corner. I left my medical stuff I took there too. Save her."

Glenn rushed to the corner, keeping a hold on Scarlett. He laid her down gently.

"Listen, we can't get you more blood until we get back home. Daryl's gonna help, okay? For now, I'm going to clean it and wrap it. Okay? Scar—" he panicked as her eyes had shut.

"I'm awake, pizza man. Just wrap the damn thing," she grumbled teasingly.

Glenn chuckled, pulling off the dirty and bloody fabric. He did not realize he was still crying. He winced at the blood continuing to flow, though it was slower now. He poured some alcohol on it, trying to rid it from infection for now. He then used the gauze and bandages to wrap the wound. He breathed out in relief that there was enough.

"You're not gonna answer me?" he called to Enid.


"What happened in Alexandria? We heard that sound. The guns," Glenn called, securing the wrap. Scarlett smiled softly at Glenn as he opened the water bottle and poured some in her mouth. "Enid!"

"What happened is what always happens. People died."

"The herd broke through the walls?" Scarlett murmured out.

"What herd?"

"The walkers. They broke out of the quarry early. We got on them, but that sound, the air horn, what was that?l

"It was people," Enid told them. "You should go."

"My wife, Maggie, she okay?" Glenn asked. No answer. He glanced at Scarlett, noticing pain pills next to her. He hurried to get them in her system. "We gotta go, Scarlett. You gotta be strong just a little while longer. Can you?"

"Yeah," Scarlett grumbled, using Glenn to help her stand.

"Enid? Is Maggie okay? What about Annie and Judith? Carl?" No answer. Glenn helped Scarlett walk around the room. "Answer me!"

They got to a window and saw Enid running away. "Enid. Enid!"

"Damn it," Scarlett grumbled. "We gotta go, Glenn. It's beginning to feel numb. I don't—I don't want to die."

"You're not. Let's go."

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