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retreaters and angsty teens

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retreaters and angsty teens

MERLE TOOK MICHONNE. Daryl went after his brother. Michonne came back alone. Daryl came back hours later, tear tracks on his face as he muttered Merle was dead.

It was just the beginning.

Now, they knew the Governor was coming.

"Carl, I'm tired of arguing with you," Scarlett murmured as he tried again and again to be a part of the attack. "You and Soph are going to protect Jude, Hershel, and Beth outside the prison. This isn't kid shit."

"I'm not a damn kid!" Carl groaned out with anger. Scarlett winced.

"Watch your mouth," Scarlett pleaded as she watched him storm off. It was their first real fight in this new dynamic. She felt Rick come up behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders as he rubbed them softly. "He hates me."

"Nah, he doesn't," Rick said with a small laugh. "It's called bein' a parent. You did good. I don' want him in here when the shit hits the fan."

"He hates me," she said again, turning to face him. She saw his beard was growing out, his curls flopping over his forehead. His blue eyes stared at her with a small smile.

"He doesn't," Rick promised, kissing her forehead, also taking the moment to take in the beauty that was Scarlett Greene. Her red hair was tied back, but there were flyaways that curled up against her face. "I love you."

"Love you," she said, hugging him tightly.

Hershel led Sophia, Judith, Beth, and Carl out into a car. Daryl , Glenn, and Tyreese were driving the other cars into a hiding spot. Once they were back, everyone got into their formation. They did not know how long until the Governor attacked, but they were willing to wait.

And wait they did. It was hours before anyone heard anything. Glenn muttered over the walkie that they were here, but anyone could have heard the way they drove through the fences again.

They heard the group go inside the prison, shooting randomly as they tried to scare them. Rick's group, nah, they were not scared at all. Scarlett was not scared. She held her rifle to her chest as she waited for Rick's signal, but she enjoyed hearing them so confused and worried for their safety. This is what happens when you fuck with the wrong folks.

Scarlett grinned at Rick once before they heard Daryl let the smoke grenade go. Screams were heard as everyone tried running away. The group shot at them as they tried shooting back, but the majority of them were retreating.

Rick signaled for them to follow them out, and they did. Walking outside, they laughed as they saw all of the Governor's men retreating in their big vehicles.

"We did it. We drove them out!" Scarlett cheered, hugging Maggie tightly as she came around out of the guard tower. "Did anyone see my Daddy?"

"No," Maggie answered. "He was not even near the Governor."

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