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IN LESS THAN AN HOUR, THEY HAD GOTTEN TO A CLEARING. Scarlett noticed it was a golf course with a large country club sitting behind it. From her vantage point, she could not see any people, but they could never be too cautious.

Beth looked at Scarlett questionably. "Golfers like to booze it up, right?"

Scarlett shrugged, just needing to get off her feet. Her stomach was killing her because of hunger, and her head was hurting. Her back was hurting from the baby, but she did not want to have Judy out of her sight.

"Come on. There might be people inside," Scarlett told them, holding up her weapon. Judith looked around with wide eyes as they trudged across the field. When they made it to the country club, they found it to be ransacked. Dead corpses laid around. Hundreds of dollars were there among jewelry and other things.

Daryl rushed and grabbed the money.

Scarlett's heart broke for him.

"Why are you keeping all that stuff?"

Daryl did not answer as Beth looked around for booze. Scarlett kept an eye out for any threats while Daryl checked the rooms for anything they could use. There was a crash, and she heard Daryl muttering something to Beth.

Scarlett walked inside the next room, seeing clothes everywhere. She felt her body sag in relief at the sight of diapers pouring out of a bag thrown across the floor.

Making a makeshift play area, she sat Judith down inside of it with some plastic cups to play with. She quickly stripped off her shirt, ignoring the others gaze on her. She pulled on a new shirt, wincing at the pain in her arm from the debris.

"We should clean that," Daryl grunted.

Scarlett stretched her arm out, feeling the pain flare. She watched him look around for a few things as Scarlett grabbed a backpack lying on the ground. She moved Judith's things into it that way it would be easier to carry. She added some shirts in it as well as some bottles of water she found. Putting the bag on, she picked Judy back up and followed them into the bar.

"We made it," Beth beamed, looking around. Her new shirt was bloody from the walker they had to kill in order to get in there, but she was still smiling. She glanced at the pair. "I know you think this is stupid, and it probably is, but I don't care. All I wanted to do today was lay down and cry, but we don't get to do that. So beat up on walkers if that makes you feel better. I need to do this."

Daryl ignored her, walking around the room. He found a small bottle of Jack Daniels that had enough in it to clean Scarlett's wound. He broke the top of the bottle because it would not open.

"Did you have to break the glass?" Beth asked.

"No. You have your drink yet?" he asked rhetorically as he gestured for Scarlett to sit. She extended her arm, hissing in pain when he poured the drink onto it. It bubbled and stung like a bitch. Keeping her eyes on Judith, she leaned her head on hers. Daryl wrapped it with a bandage he found, nodding at her.

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