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saving alexandria

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saving alexandria

SCARLETT AND ENID CLIMBED BEHIND GLENN OVER THE WALL. Scarlett was out of breath already as she felt blood begin to seep through the bandages, but she had to keep going.

Glenn and Maggie made eye contact before the walkers underneath Maggie began to try to tear the wood apart. It was working as the entire guard tower began to shake. Glenn screamed in worry.

"Go!" Scarlett pushed him.

"Go get her!" he yelled to Enid.

"I got your back!" Scarlett shouted, feeling that adrenaline she had beginning to waver slightly as blood dripped on the ground; she jumped off the wall. Glenn helped her stand as she stumbled onto her knees.

"Hey!" Glenn shouted to gain the walkers' attention. Scarlett noticed Enid running to Maggie, and she knew Enid had her. Scarlett shouted next.

"Hey, bastard! Come get the rest of me!" she shouted causing Maggie to just then notice her missing hand. "Yeah, asshole!" she laughed, taking out her hunting knife. She got one walker in the head, feeling herself get worked up again. She had to save them.

She smirked. She was badass. They weren't taking that away from her just because they got her hand.

Glenn shot at a couple of them. "Over here! Come on!" he shouted. Scarlett and Glenn were back to back as he shot at them. Scarlett put her knife under her arm as she grabbed her Python. She made her four bullets count, popping off each round into a walker's head. Four went down.

"No! Glenn! Scarlett!" Maggie screamed. Crying.

The walkers were closing in on Scarlett and Glenn. Scarlett dropped her Python, getting her long knife back out. She was crying as the pain in her arm became too much to bear. Blood was dripping everywhere.


"Come on! Over here, come on!" Scarlett countered, slashing another one.

"Just go! Just get over!" Glenn yelled to Maggie, knowing this was about to be the end. He had gotten Scarlett home just for them to die. "Go!"

"No!" Maggie yelled.

"Dammit, Maggie! Go!" Scarlett yelled.

Scarlett slashed another that got too close just as she heard the empty click of Glenn's gun. She took a deep breath as more tears left her eyes. She and Glenn were backed into the wall as they began to surround them.

"Hey, you got me home," Scarlett whispered, grabbing his hand with hers. Glenn tightened his hold as he put himself in front of her. He let her hand go, using her knife to try and kill any more he could.

"No, Glenn!" Maggie cried. "Scarlett!"

Scarlett shut her eyes as Glenn turned around and grabbed Scarlett's body. They held each other as they prepared for the end. Scarlett hid her head in the crook of his neck as they heard Maggie's cries grow louder.

Suddenly, machine gun fire began all around them. Glenn cursed, pulling Scarlett down to the ground as he covered her body with his.

When the gunfire stopped, Glenn looked up, moving so Scarlett could also look. Their eyes were wide as they stared at Abraham and Sasha standing on top of the gate. Abraham looked to be having the time of his life with a smirk on his lips.

"Can you get the gate? Appreciate it, pal," he added a wink for dramatic effect.

Scarlett let out a laugh as she lost all of her adrenaline. She fell into Glenn's arms. "Come on, right here," Glenn murmured, sitting her against the wall. He opened the gate as he saw Enid and Maggie climbing down the tower on top of the truck. She ran to Glenn, kissing him. She did not stay in his arms as she turned to Scarlett. Enid was already by her. Daryl ran out from behind the wheel, rushing to her.

"Hey, Dar," Scarlett whispered, her eyes fluttering shut. "I got home."

"Come on, we got you," Abraham grumbled. He picked her up easily, bringing her to the truck. He laid her on the back seat as Daryl grabbed her stump of an arm and wrapped it with a torn piece of his shirt.

"What the hell happened?" Daryl asked, wide eyes looking to Alexandria.

"I don't know. We just got back," Glenn grumbled. "Listen... we can–we can lead some of them away, but they're scattered."

"No, we get 'em all together," Daryl grunted, anger in his tone. "Won't have to lead 'em away."

They all piled into the truck as Daryl climbed onto the roof. Daryl had spread gas all in the lake and the surrounding area. Scarlett's head was in Maggie's lap as she ran her fingers through Scarlett's hair.

"Y'think I'll make it to see Rick one last time?"

"Don't talk like that. You went through hell to get back here. You ain't dying now, Firecracker," Abraham grumbled. They were squished in the truck as Daryl pounded the top.

He held an RPG they found on their way back. Scarlett took a deep breath. It was shaky.

"I think so," she murmured.

"Stop it!" Maggie yelled. "Put pressure there," she told Enid.

Above them, they felt the kickback of the gun being fired. In front of them, the lake went up in flames. Scarlett turned her head to stare at it. She smiled.

"Y'all did it," Scarlett whispered.

"We did it," Sasha told her, turning to grab her hand. "Hey, we just gotta wait a few minutes till we can get in."

"We don't have a few minutes," Abraham said.

Glenn leaned out the truck. "Daryl! She's losing too much! We gotta go!"

Daryl jumped from the roof, quickly hanging onto the door on the outside as he yelled for Abraham to go. His eyes stared at Scarlett as she smiled at him.

"Thank you," she told them. "Look after Rick. He's gonna need y'all more than ever."




Complete silence.

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