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protecting her kid

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protecting her kid

CAROL LED SCARLETT CLOSE TO TERMINUS BEFORE THEY STOPPED. Scarlett killed a walker, and Carol pulled out a sheet from the house they were at. Scarlett pulled out a large shirt she stole from the country club. It went down to her knees when she pulled it over her head. Carol cut the walker open, taking its guts and running them over Scarlett's body.

Scarlett paused a moment, the smell hitting her pregnant nose. She threw up a foot away causing Carol to wince. Spitting out the remnants, she wiped her mouth with her wrist.

"You can still go back," she whispered.

"Not letting you do this alone. Finish up."

"I think after we make a way in, you go back. I don't trust that man near Judith. Tyreese... he's scared to kill now," Carol said, wiping some more blood on herself. "Just help me get in and then go. Please? I can't have you dying. Not for this. You have four people to think about now. Please."

"I'll think about it."

Carol bit her lip before she finished. She wiped dirt and grime on her face as they looked and smelled like walkers now. Scarlett followed Carol with the bag of guns and explosives. They made it to the edge of a fence after going through some walkers. The herd of walkers were just now getting there, and the people shooting at them were not making any head way.

"There," Carol said.

"Put your backs to the wall on either side of the car now."

Scarlett gasped out in pure relief when she saw Rick Grimes being pulled out of a train car. She immediately grabbed her gun, ready to shoot the people holding her man when Carol shook her head to stop her.

"Gotta make a distraction, first," Carol told her. "Get the walkers in. How do we do it?"

Scarlett glanced around, her breathing heavy as she noticed a tank full of gas. She knew right away that would be Carol's ticket in. Whistling slightly, she nudged her head in the direction, aiming her rifle at it.

"Hold on," Carol murmured, getting a firework lined up. "Light it up."

Scarlett shot a few rounds, seeing two shots pierce the tank. Carol lit the firework next to them, pulling Scarlett down as it went off. Immediately, an explosion happened. The fire was loud and flaming. Walkers were on fire. There were screams.

"Okay, I can sneak in now. You need to sneak back," Carol told her with warning eyes. "I'll bring them back to you, honey. I promise. Just like you did my baby."

Scarlett nodded, sniffling slightly as she stood with her rifle attached to her. She watched Carol make her way into the crowd of walkers. Scarlett aimed her rifle, following Carol for a bit until she could not see her anymore.

Turning, she began the walk back to the shack. She found the end of the herd, but none of them paid her any mind as she smelled too much like them.

There was one who looked at her funny, but she just gave him a look back.

"Dumbass," she muttered, quickening her pace and ignoring the pain in her ankle as usual. When she neared the shack, her eyes widened at the sight of Tyreese outside fighting three walkers. "Judith," she gasped to herself as she ran.

Tyreese finished off the last one as Scarlett let a flame ignite in her eyes when Tyreese said the man threatened her baby.

The man inside was not expecting the door to fling open to begin with. But he was definitely not expecting the door to fling open and see the pregnant woman wearing walker guts run in screaming bloody murder with her hands outstretched.

She knocked the man down, slamming his head into the ground repeatedly. "Liar!" she shouted, getting the knife out of his hand. Tyreese's eyes widened, rushing to pick up Judith and turn her head. Scarlett shoved a walker's intestine into the man's mouth causing him to choke.

He slammed his head into hers. She snarled as he rolled on top of her. He tried to choke her, leaning down to whisper in her ear something awful. She could hardly breathe. It was getting cloudy in her vision. Before he could finish his nasty words, Scarlett opened her mouth and took a bite out of his neck.

He screamed as she pushed him off of her. Spitting the flesh out of her mouth, she grinned with red lips. She put the knife in his head to shut him up.

Leaning back on her heels, her body shook with deep breaths.

Tyreese gently touched Scarlett's shoulder. She flinched, turning with the knife. He backed away from the crazed mother. "Hey, hey. Wash up. Jude don't need to see you like this," Tyreese whispered. "Come on. It's just me, Scar. Calm down."

Scarlett nodded, peeling off her walker attire. She grabbed a towel, wetting it with some water in the bottle. Wiping her face, she saw her reflection in the mirror. She looked awful. Scary.

Gulping, she finished wiping off her face as best she could. Tyreese gulped as he rocked Judith slightly. "You okay?"

"M'fine," she grumbled out, wiping her hands last as she looked up at Tyreese. "I had to."

"I know."

"Don' look at me like that."

"You had to protect your kid. I know," Tyreese whispered. "I know."

Nodding, Scarlett grabbed Judith from Tyreese's arms. She held the baby to her, letting a tear fall as she thought of what she just did. Bouncing the cooing baby, Scarlett watched Tyreese go to the window.

"Come on."


"Someone's here to see you."

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