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the ricktatorship

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the ricktatorship

SCARLETT DROVE HER TRUCK, NEEDING THE DISTRACTION. Carl and Sophia sat in the backseat while Rick sat in the passenger. Before they had left, Scarlett grabbed a notepad from her survival bag, telling Rick to get all their supplies together for a check before they hit the road. She wrote down everything they had, clicking her tongue at the small supply but glad she took things to begin with.

Lori and Carol rode with T-Dog and Hershel while Glenn and Maggie took a car for their own with Beth in the back. Daryl stayed on his bike.

Scarlett bit her lip as she felt Rick reach over again and grab her hand. She let him hold it as the night grew later. Sophia and Carl were curled in the back under a blanket, passed out. She was leading the caravan in her truck, but she did not know how far they were going to get with the cars behind them running out of gas. They made it farther than she thought because they siphoned some gas earlier, but more walkers came out of nowhere causing them to haul everyone up and leave.

Her unspoken question was answered as they saw the car behind them flashing its lights. Sighing, Scarlett pulled over as the rest of the caravan followed.

Scarlett got out first, pulling her jacket tigher as the cool air hit her skin. She made sure Carl and Sophia were still sleeping as she and Rick met up with the group.

"What's wrong?" Rick asked.

"We've been ridin' red for the past hour. Better make sure we don't get forgot," T-Dog replied, gesturing to Lori and Carol.

"You out?" Rick asked Glenn.

"Runnin' on fumes."

"We can't stay here," Maggie said, crossing her arms over her chest. Glenn nodded and added, "We can't all fit in one car."

Rick sighed at their negativity. "We'll have to make a run for some gas in the morning."

"Spend the night here?" Maggie asked incredulously. "I'm freezing."

"We'll build a fire," Rick started as Scarlett whistled slightly. She nodded toward the woods. "Stay close. Daryl?"

Daryl nodded, clutching his crossbow. He was going to go with her to hunt.

"Only got so many arrows," Rick called to them. "Ammo?"

"We'll make it work for now," Daryl replied after glancing at Scarlett. The woman nodded, and they waited for Rick to finish speaking before leaving.

"We can't just sit here with our asses hanging out," Maggie stressed to him.

"Watch your mouth," Hershel said with a glare to her. "Everyone stop panicking and listen to Rick."

"All right, we'll set up a perimeter. In the morning, we'll find gas and some supplies. We'll keep pushing on," Rick said, trying to be optimistic.

Maggie shook her head angrily. "Glenn and I can go make a run now, try and scrounge up some gas."

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