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SCARLETT GROANED AS SHE HEARD CRYING FROM UPSTAIRS. Glancing at Judith, she saw the other baby giving her a look. Scoffing playfully, she went upstairs one step at a time. She took a slight break when she felt a pain in her abdomen.

"Okay. Keep going," Scarlett murmured. "Been three days. You can do this. You're a badass."

"Talkin' to yourself?"

Scarlett noticed the crying had stopped and Carl stood at the top of the stairs with Annie in his arms. He smirked at her. "Help me down," she grumbled.

"Yes, ma'am," Carl teased, moving to give her his arm to hold onto. "Still don't know why you insist on keeping her upstairs?"

"Just in case."

"And Judith?"

"I can run with Judith. Judith is easy now. Annie... Annie is starting all over again," Scarlett whispered as they made it all the way down. "All right. Hand her to me."

Carl helped her sit on the couch, placing a blanket over her once she got her shirt up. Scarlett sighed as Annie began to feed.

"I can take Judith for a bit. When Annie takes a nap, you can take one."

"Nah, can't sleep," Scarlett murmured. "Daryl's out of the walls again. Glenn, Eugene, Tara, and Noah went on a run with that idiot Nicholas. I just need peace of mind to sleep."

"Okay. Then, I'll stay here. We can put a movie on. Reg said we can use some of the power grid in bits and pieces. I'll protect you and the girls while you sleep," Carl offered.

"Such a sweet kid," Scarlett murmured, leaning over to kiss his cheek. "You like Annette? You don't resent her or anything?"

"God, what? No," Carl scoffed. "Just glad she's out and you can go back to normal. Missin' my partner."

"Your partner needs to lose the baby fat and heal up. Maybe Rick will let me go out the walls and do some training with the walkers. You think?"

They looked at each other before they both said, "Nah."

Carl let out a laugh before standing. "Okay. I'm putting a movie on. Want something to snack on?"

"Yes, please."

Carl got everything situated—the movie, the snacks. He took Judith out of the playpen, sitting her on his lap as a Disney movie started on the old tv. Scarlett burped Annie, pulling her shirt down before laying the baby on her chest. Carl tossed a blanket to her, and she snuggled in it.

Carl knew his plan had worked when not even ten minutes into Snow White, Scarlett was snoring with Annie snoring on top of her. Carl snickered as the door opened. Sophia walked inside, grinning at the scene. She pushed her long hair back, asking if she could join.

So, Sophia snuggled against Carl with Judith sitting on them, and they watched the cheesy movie, ignoring the snores from their left.

When Scarlett woke up, it was to Rick picking up Annie from her chest. She noticed the television was off. Turning, Sophia and Carl were asleep. Judith was sitting in her high chair, waiting to eat.

"Hey," he whispered. "You feelin' okay?"

"I guess," she murmured. "Carl got me to sleep, the cheeky ass. But I needed it."

Rick nodded, looking like something was on his mind. She noticed it was dark out now. Standing shakily, she walked into the kitchen to see food that Carol had left. She made a small portion on a plate, giving small pieces to Judith to eat. She filled up Judith's sippy cup, giving it to her.

"What is it?"

"The others are back from the run," Rick told her, placing Annie in the playpen with pillows keeping her in one spot. He walked back over, kissing her forehead before grabbing his own plate of food. "Glenn, Tara, and Eugene."

Scarlett had been making her own food when she dropped the spoon. She looked over at him, silently asking.

"Aidan and Noah were killed. Glenn says Noah was killed by Nicholas. Aidan by stupidity. Deanna is banning Nicholas and Glenn from leaving for now until she figures out whatever lie Nicholas told her," he finished, shoveling some of the casserole in his mouth. "Tara got hurt. Bad but Pete's lookin' after her."

Scarlett sighed, picking up her plate to sit next to him.

"Anything else?"

"Pete's hittin' Jessie and the boys. Carol wants me to do something."

"I'm never napping during the day again."

Rick smirked a bit at her sassy remark before giving Judith some more pieces to eat.

"On a brighter note, Abraham was pushed up to runnin' the construction crew after he saved all their asses. I keep tellin' Deanna... these people are weak," Rick muttered, taking another bite. "Is that paprika?"

"Carol was experimenting."

Rick snorted, calling out, "Carl."

Carl jumped a bit, waking Sophia.

"Hands where I can see them."

Carl let his head fall back down with a groan.

"Come eat. Both of you," Scarlett commanded. Carl yawned as he stood up with Sophia following. She leaned her head on Rick's shoulder. "Judith was babbling a bit today. And Annie only coughed up milk once. Progress."

Rick smirked, turning his head to lean his chin on her head. Carl and Sophia made themselves plates as they sat at the table. Carl noticed the tense atmosphere, so Rick had to retell the day's problems once again. He and Sophia grew quiet after the mention of Noah.

"He was so sweet," Sophia muttered, pushing her food around. "Can we kill Nicholas?"

"We can't," Scarlett said softly. "We can't just kill people who hurt us. We are trying to live here. Civilization. That means rules. Punishments." Scarlett nodded at them, waiting for nods back. When she got them, she looked to Rick. "And I think Carol's right," she finished, referring to the Pete situation.

"Then, I'll solve that problem tomorrow."

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