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carl's training

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carl's training

SHANE AND RICK WANTED SCARLETT TO HELP TEACH THE GROUP ABOUT GUNS. After she ran off the night before, no one had seen her until she rushed out the next morning to look for the little girl. She was gone for a few hours before she returned with a little blood on her. Maggie rushed over, wanting to know what happened. Scarlett brushed her off, placing something in Rick's hand when the group made it to her.

A piece of Sophia's dress, ripped.

Carol let out a sob, but Daryl clapped Scarlett on the back without thinking. Scarlett winced but said nothing as she went to leave again. Rick gently called out for her to wait, and that was when she found out it had been Shane's idea to include her as a teacher, 'specially when Carl said he wanted her to teach him despite Shane's license to teach youngins.

They got to this old abandoned housing plot that was not going to bring too many walkers their way. Scarlett watched as each person was given a gun and a set amount of ammos. She stuck close to Carl like glue. He was doing a damn good job, and she did not want any other partner 'cept him after this.

She leaned down, whispering in his ear, "I'm gonna get a moving target, 'kay?" He nodded. She lifted the Sherrif's hat and ruffled his hair before placing it down messily. Moving to the targets, she felt bullets whizzing past her on the side, but she was not worried. Despite Andrea's shot to Daryl, she was not a bad aim, and she was next to Carl because of it.

Setting up a moving target with some string and some empty bottles, she grinned cheekily at Carl. He honestly did not do too bad. Missed a few here and there, but she felt confident in him.

Walking over to Rick, she whistled slightly to gain his attention. He nodded at Carol once before turning to Scarlett.

"Can I teach him knife skills?" she asked hesitantly. She wrung her hands nervously as she rocked on her heels. She has never been this nervous in front of him before.

Rick ran a hand through his curls, eyes moving to Carl talking excitedly to Andrea about his skills.

"How's he doin'?"

"If we're pickin' partners and you don' want 'im, I do," she said confidently. Rick raised a surprised eyebrow at her. "I trust 'im."

Rick sighed, glancing at Daryl who had walked up in the middle of the conversation. Daryl smirked, shrugging his shoulders. This was also the first time Daryl heard her speak, and he wondered why it was so easy to do with Rick and Carl...

"I trust you," Rick said to her, gesturing with his head for her to teach Carl. She grinned at both men before turning and rushing back over to Carl.

Carl glanced up at her with raised eyebrows as she grabbed his hand. She led them toward the woods, but they stayed where Rick could see them. She took out one of her throwing knives and one of her hunting knives. She crouched in front of him.

"Throwing knife," she murmured to him. "Smaller and lighter, but it can do the trick." He was nodding, taking everything she said in. "Huntin' knife. Bigger and easier to fight up close. What's the rule with Walkers?"

"The head kills 'em," Carl repeated Daryl's words he remembered.

"Righ'," she murmured. "Guns are great. They get the job done, but they are loud and ammo goes quick. Knives can do the job quieter... more physically demanding, but it's gon' save your life. We'll start wit' the throwing knife."

Daryl nodded toward Scarlett as he spoke to Rick. "Think she knows what she's doin'?"

"Yeah," Rick said. "She's gon' beat this world, no doubt."

"So are we," Daryl muttered. "I want to go out looking again. Think we can wrap this up?"

Rick nodded. "She wants Carl, so I'll go with you."

"Whatever. Just let's get movin'," Daryl muttered.

Carl groaned as he missed again. She patted his shoulder patiently, leaning down as Rick called for them to wrap it up. She handed him a small knife. "Keep it."

Carl grinned, pocketing the knife as Rick stepped to them. Scarlett sat up straight with a small smile as he placed his hand on Carl's face for a moment.

He let his hands fall as he glanced at Scarlett. "You take Carl. Two hours max, and then I want him to come back for rest. That wound can't have too much stress."

Carl grinned widely. "You're letting me look for Sophia!?"

Rick crouched down with a smirk. "You listen to Miss Scarlett. Any bad reviews, your ass is gonna be stuck on laundry duty." Carl made a face causing Scarlett to laugh softly. "Be good."

Carl hugged his dad before trying to tug Scarlett toward the woods. Rick looked at Scarlett with pleading eyes.

"Keep him safe, Scar," he murmured.

"Always, Grimes," she promised, winking slightly as she let Carl lead her away.

Daryl watched Rick sigh as he stared at the back of Scarlett's figure.

"She's good with 'im," Daryl said to try and make Rick feel better. "Don' worry too much."

"I'm not. I trust her," Rick commented. "Stop checking her out," he said with a groan as Daryl watched her backside move.

Daryl grinned. "Jealous?"

Rick shoved him aside as they went into another direction. Daryl chuckled, and Scarlett heard his laugh before they broke through the trees. She grinned, looking back and catching Rick's eyes. He gave her a nod. She gave him a smile.

They disappeared behind the tree line, heart's beating fast.

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