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long walk home

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long walk home

SCARLETT DID NOT THINK THE RAIN WOULD EVER STOP, BUT IT DID EVENTUALLY. It was dark now, and the herd was still below, though a few gave up when a deer trotted by. Daryl groaned as the walkers followed it because it was good meat.

"There's still too many," Scarlett told Daryl as they thought of a plan to get back to the prison.

Daryl looked at his arrows, shaking his head. "Nah, just hold this," he said while handing her the opossum. Aiming his crossbow, he could now get a good shot without the rain messing with his aim. He shot about eight of them right through the eye, but there were three left. "What'chu thinkin'?" he asked as she glanced around.

"I'll hop down, lead 'em that way. You grab ya arrows and follow," she instructed with a sigh. "No other way."

"Yeah, a'ight. I'll throw 'em a squirrel so you can get down," he told her, pulling off a squirrel but she shook her head. He was about to argue when she stood up and climbed to a lower branch that was toward the way she wanted to go. "You're nuts, Red."

"Just get ready to grab your damn arrows, Dixon," she told him, jumping down while calling out for the walkers. They snarled at her, tripping over their friends as they tried to get to her. She grinned, taking her hunting knife and walking backwards so she could see Daryl drop down. She slashed her knife forward, killing one as Daryl took one of his arrows he picked up and shot the other.

As Scarlett went to kill the third one, Daryl yelled out, "Behind you! Duck!"

Scarlett took herself and tackled the walker in front of her while Daryl shot the one behind her that had creeped up. Laying on top of the walker, she put the knife through his head. Daryl collected the rest of his arrows quickly, and he rushed forward to help her up. They made sure they did not get anything on the animals they killed, and they rushed off with Daryl tugging Scarlett along when they heard more snarls.

It was the blind leading the blind as they ran through the woods in the dark.

"Think we're heading the right way?" Scarlett asked him.

"No idea. Just try'na get away from the next herd before we get our shit together," Daryl admitted as they kept running.

The got into a clearing near a creek they knew well.

"Well, shit," Daryl murmured. "Take us a few hours to get back. We went too far."

"Might as well start a fire," she sighed, sitting down to take off the animals. "Hope they'll be good tomorrow."

"M'sorry. Should'a listened to ya," Daryl grunted, setting his animals down as he added, "I'll grab some wood."

Scarlett nodded, and he did just that. They had a fire going as both could not sleep. They ate one of the squirrels, neither speaking much as they went through the night. When the sun started coming up, Daryl thought there was enough light to get back.

"A'ight," Daryl grunted. "Let's hit the road."

Scarlett smiled at him as she stomped out the embers of the fire. She grabbed his hand when he made a face at the woods around them. He looked at her curiously.

"Don' worry. Rick'll be fine once we're back. I ain't mad at'cha and he won't be either," she told him, squeezing his hand. "Still got meat for them. We just gotta go back that way," she said as she pointed toward the sun.

He squeezed her hand back before taking his crossbow and leading the way. Scarlett rolled her eyes at the man before following him. They walked as fast as they could, only stopping for a few more squirrels they came across. No walkers had gotten into their way, which made the trip easier on the pair.

Soon, they could see the tower of the prison. Somehow they managed to get on the other side of it. The walk around did not take long, and not long after, she heard Sophia's shouts that she saw someone.

Glenn was first to run out, breathing out in relief when he saw the pair. "It's them!" he shouted, rushing to open the gate. Scarlett saw Maggie run out first with Carl following her.

Glenn hugged Scarlett after doing a 'bro' hug with Daryl. "We were getting a group ready to go find y'all."

Maggie's body collided with Scarlett's. "Oh, God. We were so worried."

Daryl rolled his eyes. "We were fine."

They all walked back toward the prison as Rick came outside with Judith on his hip. He smiled when he saw Scarlett laughing with Carl, his boy clutching her body as they walked. When she reached him, she tilted her head.

"No worries?" she asked.

Rick glanced at Daryl. "Figured my brother here would keep an eye on ya," he admitted, kissing her lips before letting her kiss Judith's cheeks.

Carol laughed as she tried to check Daryl for any injuries. He tried to shove her off. "Oh, come on, Pookie," she teased. "Least y'all got some meat. Let's get those fish on ice before they go bad."

Scarlett took off the ropes of dead animals, cracking her neck as she felt the weight get off of her. She was about to take Judith, but she shook her head knowing she needed a shower. As she began to walk away, Rick called out her name and Daryl's.

"Andrea came by yesterday," Rick to them. "Gave me a time and a place for the meeting with the Governor. I told Hershel to come. Daryl, I want you there, too. Scarlett?"

"I think I'll stay here in case it's a trap," Scarlett decided with a nod of her head. "Daryl can keep an eye on ya for me," she said with a grin. Daryl nodded. "I'd rather keep them safe here, but I'd feel safer if you took Tyreese or Sasha as well."

Sasha smiled and rose her hand. "I'll go."

Rick glanced at her with a nod and then looked to the others. "It's settled then."

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