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one returns, one stays lost

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one returns, one stays lost

CARL HELD SOPHIA'S HAND TIGHTLY IN HIS OWN AS THEY MANAGED TO GET TO THE CREEK WITH NO PROBLEM. He heard one final shot before nothing at all besides the animals surrounding them. Fixing the hare on his shoulder making his back ache with the weight of that and the backpack, he let Sophia's hand go before running a hand through his hair.

"Okay, straight shot from here," Carl said to her as he watched her breathe heavily. She looked so tiny in the large sweater with broken shoes on her feet. "You all right?"

"No," she whimpered. "I want my Mom."

"We're almost there, Sophia. Come one," he said, worry filling his veins as he still did not hear any shots.

"Is Miss Scarlett going to be okay?" Sophia murmured after a bit of walking.

"She will be. She's the toughest woman I ever met," Carl promised. "Hey, she found you, yeah? It might've been my idea, but we wouldn't have made it without her. She's going to be fine." He looked straight ahead with narrowed eyes. "She has to be."

The night made the woods scarier for Sophia and Carl, but Carl used the flashlight he forgot to give to Scarlett, giving the other to Sophia. Their feet hardly made any sound, and Carl was grateful. He asked her to be quiet the rest of the way because it was dark. He did not want a walker creeping up on them.

One did anyway.

Sophia went to run away, but Carl held her in place. "Don't go anywhere."

Sophia's eyes widened as the boy she left on the highway easily stepped up to the walker and sent a knife through his skull as if it was nothing. He nodded to her when he turned back, taking her hand again in fear of her running off.

Lights ahead brought some joy to Carl as he saw the farm coming closer. Sophia groaned as her legs began to give out.

"Oh, Sophia! We're almost there," Carl grumbled as she landed on her scuffed knees. She shook her head.

"I don't want to anymore! I was supposed to die in the church next to Jesus! Why'd you have to find me!" Sophia cried. Carl stared at her in shock.

He crouched down, shaking his head. "We're going to be okay, Soph. Just a little bit longer. I prom—"


Carl thanked any god out there as he heard his father's voice and loud, booming footsteps getting closer. Carl looked up and saw not just his father but almost everyone at the Greene farm. Rick's steps slowed as he noticed Carl was not alone but not with who he thought. Rick then rushed forward as if he was on autopilot, sliding to the ground next to his boy while checking to make sure he was okay. Turning to the little girl, he hugged her so tight, Carl thought his dad might break her bones.

"IT'S SOPHIA!" Rick shouted when he turned to face the group. Sophia had begun to pass out from sheer exhaustion, and Carl could only be grateful it was when they were close enough to camp.

Carol let out the largest sob, rushing forward. Sophia grinned slightly as her eyes focused and unfocused on Carol. "Mommy?" she whispered as Carol took her from Rick, holding her to her chest. Carol noticed Sophia was now falling unconscious. She stared at Rick in worry.

Carl shook his head. "We gave her water and some candy... it was all we had. She's okay. No bites or scratches."

Shane rushed forward, taking Sophia from Carol's arms despite Carol's protest. Shane wanted to get her laid down and rested. Hershel glanced at the girl... the little miracle, before glancing at Carl. "I'll go check on her in a moment... Carl, son, where is my niece? Where is Scarlett?"

Rick's eyes looked around as if he was expecting her to appear. Carl's voice cracked a bit. "We... we--uh... there was a herd, like the one on the highway... not as big. We got trapped at the church. She distracted them so Sophia and I could get away," he murmured as Lori finally got her wits together and rushed to her boy. She hugged him tightly.

"She just let you wander in the woods alone at night with Sophia!?" Lori scolded. "You could--"

"No!" Carl grumbled, pulling away. "NO! She didn't want to leave us, but it was the only way. I knew where I was going."

"The gunshots," Maggie began, Glenn subtly moving closer.

Carl sighed. "She used them to divert the walkers... they stopped after a while. Don' know," he murmured, a tear leaving his eye. Rick's own eyes were glassy as he pulled his son into his arms. "I protected Sophia, Dad."

"You did good, Carl. So good," Rick told him. Daryl stepped forward, reaching and grabbing the rabbit and the backpack. "Her bag?"

Daryl nodded, opening it. "Stupid bitch left her ammo. No wonder the shots stopped. Gon' get 'erself killed. I'm goin' after her," he muttered.

"Not tonight you aren't," Rick said sadly. "We can't risk it."

Hershel gulped, nodding. "Rick's right as much as I hate to admit it. Scarlett will be okay... she's tough. You'll be chasing shadows going out now."

Daryl grunted out something incoherent, moving to bring the bag to the farmhouse.

Lori held Carl as Shane came back out. He looked at Hershel. "Carol wants you to take a look at her." Hershel nodded, leaning down and placing a comforting hand on Carl's shoulders before leaving. Maggie stared out in the woods with fear, letting Glenn begin to lead her away. The others followed as Carl hugged his mother and father tightly.

Shane crouched down, fist-bumping Carl. "You did good, man. Real good."

Lori sighed as Rick helped them all stand. Rick took off the weapons from his boy, telling him to go shower and check on Sophia. He rushed off as Rick examined Scarlett's weapons she must have given her boy to protect him.

He stared at the woods with a fear he did not realize was there.

"She'll be okay," Lori said softly, letting Shane place a hand on her back. Rick nodded. "I overreacted... I know she would have stayed with them if she could have. She's a good woman, Rick. She's tough, too. Don't worry about her too much tonight."

"Come on, man. You gotta get some rest, worrying about Carl all night must have you beat," Shane said, moving in front of Lori to clap his partner on the shoulder. "We'll go out looking tomorrow morning."

Rick sighed, nodding as he glanced at Scarlett's initials on the throwing knife. He looked at the woods one more time before turning and following his family toward the house.

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