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little family

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little family

A FEW NIGHTS LATER, RICK LAID WITH SCARLETT. His finger traced her naked back as he felt her breath softly on his neck. She had finally let the man touch her in ways no man has before. She had let him rewrite what a man could do to her body, and she felt a love so great for Rick Grimes... she did not think a love this great was possible.

Rick smiled as he saw Lori one last time at the entrance of the cell. She nodded at him, telling him one last time to forgive himself. To let himself be happy. He nodded back, and she was gone.

Scarlett glanced at him, her eyes tired as she stared at him. They were in the guard tower... on watch. Well, there was not much watching, but they were there nonetheless.

"You should sleep. I'll take watch first," she whispered to him, her body aching and her mind screaming at her to take it back.

Rick gave her a look because, of course, he knew her better than anyone.

Sitting up, he gently laid her down on the sheets that were up there. He pulled on his pants, not bothering to button them up as he stared out the window. "I got it, darlin', you rest. Hershel said nothin' strenuous."

"Yeah, you blew right through that rule," Scarlett mumbled teasingly causing him to laugh. She stood up, putting on Rick's shirt as she began to button it over her naked body. She heard a cry from below, and she knew Judith was ready to eat. "M'gon' grab her."

Walking down the stairs, she walked into Cell Block C with messy hair and no shoes or pants on. She hoped to be in and out with Judith, but luck was never on her side.

Maggie stood over Judith's box, cooing at her. When she turned to see who had walked inside, a laugh bubbled in her throat.

Scarlett bit her lip, looking around before blurting, "I had sex with Rick."

Both women laughed, getting deja vu from the farm in Maggie's case. Maggie let her laughter die down as she asked, "Well? How was it?"

Scarlett gave Maggie a look.

"I wanna know!" Maggie defended. "Sheriff Rick's got to have some kin—" Scarlett hit Maggie causing Maggie to go into another round of giggles. "All right, I'll stop." It was quiet as Scarlett picked up Judith, rocking her slightly. "Did he make you call him Sheriff—?" Scarlett threw the nearest toy at Maggie's face causing them both to laugh.

"Good night," Scarlett ended the conversation with a look before grabbing a bottle for Judith.

When she got back up to the tower, she smiled at Rick's peaceful face as he glanced across the field. Judith babbled as she tried to grab her bottle, and Rick turned to face her. His smile grew at the moment in front of him.

"Wanna feed her? Don' think you have yet," Scarlett told him. Rick took her from Scarlett, letting the bottle go into her mouth. Judith greedily grabbed it. "She has Lori's eyes."

Rick nodded as he then glanced up at Scarlett. "It's kind of unsaid, but you'd be their Momma, right?" Scarlett never thought she'd hear Rick admit it, but she nodded quickly. He breathed out in relief. "Good. Judith's gon' need a Momma like you."

Scarlett let a tear fall, and she quickly wiped it away.

"What's wrong?" Rick asked quickly.

"Just happy, despite it all," Scarlett whispered to him.

Before he could answer, the door opened and they turned to see Carl standing there wiping his eyes and looking much younger than he was. He closed the door behind him, not even glancing their way as he snuggled into the sheets on the ground, eyes closing immediately. Scarlett grinned, kissing Rick's cheek before going to lay next to Carl. Carl immediately snuggled into her chest, and both looked to Rick expectantly.

Rick glanced outside, feeling okay about the Governor for the night. He would not attack again so quickly, especially after they killed some of theirs. He sat down next to them, still feeding Judith as Scarlett grabbed his hand.

"My little family," Rick mused.

Carl snuggled deeper into Scarlett as he began to sleep. Scarlett looked up to Rick and smiled brightly at him. He was right. They were a little family. She slept easy that night for the first time in a long time despite the fear of the Governor and the pain in her shoulder. She felt Rick place Judith between her and Carl at some point, and she knew that meant he was going to stay on watch all night until Glenn, Daryl, or Tyreese came to relieve them.

The next morning, Scarlett held Judith on her hip as she walked into the dining area greeting everyone. Her shoulder still ached, but she felt more confident in herself that morning to help. After getting Judith something to eat and settled with Carl and Sophia, she smiled at Sophia when the girl asked if she could come on watch with her later.

"'Course, s'long as your Momma says so," she replied, grabbing an apple and walking toward the door.

"Hey suga'!" a voice called.

Scarlett turned with a raised eyebrow, seeing Merle Dixon behind bars to a cell. She ignored his call and simply asked, "They feed you?" He hummed in agreement. "Good." With that, she began to walk off. He called her back.

"You need me to help with those plans my baby brother was talking 'bout. The Governor ain't gon' stop. He ain't!"

She nodded. "We'll take that into consideration," she sneered softly, continuing her walk to figure out what was happening next.

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