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the inevitable shitstorm

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the inevitable shitstorm

SCARLETT HELD THE RIFLE TO HER CHEST AS THE WALKED THE ENTIRE DRY RUN. They were making sure everyone was on the same page today, so that tomorrow, it went as smoothly as possible. They made it to where they had planted the green flags, and Rick turned to let them know exactly what was happening.

"All right, this is the finish line. When we make it to green, we fall back. The ditches and ridges will keep them on the road. We head home, but Daryl, Sasha, and Abraham take them the rest of the way, 20 miles more," Rick explained as everyone nodded. "All right, let's go."

They kept walking, Rick pointing out things to the group here and there. She managed to make it over to Glenn who was playing with the wedding ring on his finger. She knew he was worried about Maggie and the baby, but there was no need to worry about that right now. They were safe at Alexandria.

She glanced at Glenn. "You okay?"

"Just nervous."

"Don't be. I'm on your team," she teased. "What could go wrong?"

Glenn gave her a look that said not to ask that question. The large group kept walking as Rick explained the plans about the tractor place they were passing. "We're gonna take 'em right past here. All that noise could distract them. We'll clear it on our way back tonight. We don't want any surprises tomorrow."

Nicholas walked over to Glenn, so Scarlett walked away. She knew she was going to be on his team, but she did not have to talk to him now. She did not like him, nor did she think she ever would after what happened to Noah. Glenn was a good man, and she believed people could change; however, it took time. Time right now could be over in a moment. She did not have time to worry about Nicholas right now.

They kept walking, and Scarlett managed to catch up to Rick. He grinned crookedly her way as she told him about what Annie had done that morning. He laughed when she added that Judith through a pea at Annie's head with nothing but laughter bubbling from the toddler. Judith and Annie got along great. It was actually Judith who got Annie to laugh for the first time.

When they made it back to the quarry area where the walkers were being held, Scarlett let out a low whistle. This was the first time she was seeing it, and it was terrifying. It reminded her that walkers were still a threat when they were as big as this herd. People sucked, but being eaten alive by these fuckers sucked more.

Rick got on a tall rock as he explained to them how things were going to go. "I know this sounds insane, but this is an insane world. We have to come for them before they come for us. It's that simple. This is where it all starts tomorrow. Tobin gets in the truck, opens the exit and we're off. He hops out, catches up with his team at red staying on the west side of the road. Daryl gets on his bike—"

There was a loud groaning behind them. It sounded like metal was breaking. She gulped as she turned around, holding her rifle closer to her chest. "Rick, you see that?"

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