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the siblings

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the siblings

SCARLETT FELT ALL OF THEIR EYES ON HER AS SHE ENTERED THE CELL BLOCK. Hershel wanted to know what she thought of them. He wanted them to stay. Hell, they lost too many people, and they seemed capable enough. They needed the numbers.

"Scarlett—" Hershel began as she cut him off.

"They're back," she told him as she heard the sound of a car.

She rushed out, seeing Carl, Carol, Beth, and Axel outside. She took Judith from Beth as she watched Rick rush from the car. She sighed in relief seeing Glenn and Maggie, but she furrowed her brows at no Daryl. No Oscar.

Rick found Carl first, kissing his forehead before pulling Scarlett to him and kissing her in front of everyone. He backed away after a moment, looking down at Judith. He smiled at her.

Scarlett remembered how he said he loved her. She still never said it back.

"Where's Hershel?" Rick said as he stared at Judith.

"He's in the cell block," Carol told him as she looked around. "Where's Daryl?"

"It's all right. He's alive," Rick said as he took Judith from Scarlett. She watched with a content smile as he held her close to him. "We ran into his brother. They went off."

"He left?" Scarlett asked, her voice cracking as her smile fell at his words.

"Daryl left? He's gone? Is he coming back?" Carol began to panic as she asked.

Rick sighed, shaking his head.

"And Oscar?" Axel asked.

"No," Glenn answered before he grew faint. Scarlett ran to Glenn's other side and helped Maggie bring him inside.

Hershel immediately cursed when he saw how terrible Glenn looked, ushering him to be brought inside a cell. Once Scarlett knew Glenn was going to be tended to, she hugged Maggie tightly. Maggie began to weep into her shoulder, and Hershel flinched at the sound. He hated hearing his strong girl cry.

Scarlett brought Maggie to her cell, helping her get situated before leaving and checking on the next person. Rick was sitting with Judith and Carl, feeding the baby as his eyes seemed to see things that were not there. He was glancing around frightened.

Scarlett walked over to Michonne, showing her an empty cell. She limped into it as Scarlett gestured for her to show the bullet wound that was definitely not healed yet.

Scarlett sighed at the broken stitches, grabbing Hershel's small kit and beginning to work. Michonne hissed slightly, but otherwise, she kept quiet. Once Scarlett was finished, she brought the woman something to eat and drink before demanding that she slept to rest.

"You came through, like always," she heard Hershel say as Carl took Judith to Carol so that she could go down for a nap. "Sounds like we have a new problem on our hands."

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