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the church

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the church

SCARLETT RESTED HER FEET UP ON THE PEW AS CARL TOOK JUDITH FROM HER. She laid back, breathing out a sigh of relief causing Carl and Michonne to snicker at her movement. She raised her head, cocking a brow.


"Nah, Princess, you lay there all sprawled. We'll bring in the bags," Michonne teased as she placed their stuff down next to her. Scarlett knew she meant nothing by it, so she continued laying down.

"I sense hostility, but I'll choose to ignore it," Scarlett teased, laying her head back down. Michonne grinned as a chuckle left her lips. Scarlett smiled as she stared at the ceiling above. She heard them arguing about Abraham's crew wanting to leave as soon as possible. She was too tired to add her input, but she was glad when Glenn made it clear they followed Rick and Rick only. She smiled smugly when Abraham gave in, knowing they needed supplies.

"How'd you survive here for so long?" Rick asked, placing Scarlett's bag down next to her. He rubbed her knee softly as she was laying with her knees up. She gave him a weak smile, feeling more tired than usual. Maybe it was because she was laying down. "Where did your supplies come from?"

"Luck," Gabriel answered. "Our annual canned food drive. Things fell apart right after we finished it. It was just me."

"Come here, Judith," Rick called softly as he took her from Carl. Scarlett watched from her lying position as Judith curled into her father's arms. It was a welcoming sight.

"The food lasted a long time. And then I started scavenging. I've cleaned out every place nearby. Except for one," Gabriel finished, noticing how Scarlett rubbed her stomach absentmindedly.

Rick kissed Judith's head. "What kept you from it?"

"It's overrun."

"How many?"

"A dozen or so. Maybe more."

Rick looked at the others, and they nodded. He glanced at his tired fiancée, knowing she needed something to eat. Something strong. "We can handle a dozen."

"Bob and I will go with you," Sasha offered. "Tyreese should stay here, help keep Judith safe. He can look over Scarlett, too. I can tell the walking is putting a lot of stress on the baby."

Rick lookee at Tyreese as the large man smiled at Judith. "That'll be okay?"

Tyreese smiled. "Sure. You ever need me to watch her, need anything for her, I'm right here."

"I'm grateful for it," Rick said. "And everything else."

He saw how Scarlett sat up at the mention of the run and how she was to be left behind. "Darling, you can't—"

"Y'all can't make decisions for me—"

"—you are hardly staying awake here. Your feet are swollen—"

"—like some stupid men who know everything. Women, too. All ya' are stupid! I am capable of going—"

"—and I need to know your safe right now. You need to keep that baby safe. Don't call us stupid, darlin'. You both need rest after the past week—"

"—Rick Grimes, I swear—"

"Jesus H.," Daryl yelled before noticing the wince of Gabriel. "Sorry, man. Listen, Red, you're not going. We all will back Rick up with this. You're swayin' on your feet. You need food and rest. Remember what we talked 'bout? 'Bout keepin' this baby alive?" Scarlett huffed, crossing her arms as an adorable pout made it to her lips. "Yeah?"

"Yeah, yeah," she murmured, grinning slightly when Rick came over to kiss her. "Bring me back somethin' sweet."

"Yes, ma'am. Any requests?"

"Nutella," she, Maggie, Daryl, and Glenn said at the same time. Narrowing her eyes at them, she added, "Y'all ain't no fun."

Rick smiled at the group, kissing Scarlett's forehead. "All right."

Gabriel clapped his hands together. "I'll draw you a map."

Rick stood up. "You don't need to. You're coming with us."

"I'm not gonna be of any help. You saw me. I'm no good around those things," Gabriel stammered out.

"You're coming with us," Rick said with a firm look.

Gabriel nodded softly before looking at Scarlett. "I have a couch... i-in my office if you'd feel more comfortable."

"That's mighty kind," Scarlett whispered back.

As the group prepared to go, Rick called Carl over to where Scarlett sat. He glanced at Gabriel from afar before looking back at two of the people he cared for most.

"Listen, I don't trust this guy," he began immediately cut off by Carl.


"Why do you trust him?"

"Everybody can't be bad."

Rick chuckled softly. "Well... I don't trust this guy. And that's why I'm bringing him with me. But he could have friends. So I need you to stay alert and help Tyreese protect Judith and Scar, okay?" Scarlett rolled her eyes. "Now... I need you to hear what I'm about to say. Both of you." Scarlett nodded, grabbing Carl's hand. "Okay. You are not safe. No matter how many people are around or how clear the area looks, no matter what anyone says, no matter what you think, you are not safe. It only takes one second. One second and it's over. Never let your guard down, ever. I want you to promise me."

He directed the last sentence to Carl. Carl nodded immediately. "I promise."

Rick glanced at Scarlett. "Promise me you'll be safe. Not stupid."

"I'll keep us safe," she told him. "And if I start being stupid, Carl'll keep me safe. Me, Judith, and his new sibling." Carl grinned.

Rick rolled his eyes before nodding. "Okay." He kissed Scarlett roughly before kissing Carl's forehead. He turned to walk off.

"Dad," Carl called, standing quickly. "You're right. I am strong. We both are. But we're strong enough that we can still help people. And we can handle ourselves if things go wrong. And we're strong enough that we don't have to be afraid and we don't have to hide."

Scarlett felt pride bloom in her chest.

"Well, he's hiding something," Rick said after he gave his own proud smile.

"I'll stay safe, Dad," Carl finished, smiling weakly.

Rick nodded once more, looking between them before his eyes went to Judith in Tyreese's arms. He nodded as if making a decison in his head. He turned and started to leave.

"Don't forget my Nutella!"

"Wouldn't dare," he called back causing Carl to snicker at Scarlett's face.

Violent Silence • Rick Grimes ✓Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя