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getting home

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getting home

ALTHOUGH GLENN WANTED TO GO STRAIGHT HOME, SCARLETT KNEW THEY HAD TO GET ENID. She would not survive alone, and she could not watch Alexandria lose anyone else.

Scarlett was hobbling along, but she managed to track Enid into a diner. There were walkers all over, so they took the back entrance, hoping to talk some sense into the young girl. Glenn watched as Enid tried to leave as he sat Scarlett down in a booth. He walked over to her, placing his hand on mouth causing her to scream in fright.


"The hell are you doing?" Enid called out angrily.

"Shh," Glenn said again as he locked the door so the walkers could not get in. "I'm taking you home."

"I don't know you," Enid grumbled out.

"Why did you give me water? The meds?"

"I had it, you needed it. She needed it. That doesn't make us friends. Why are you still here? She needs to get back and hope someone can help her," Enid told Glenn.

"We're not friends. I'm doing this for Scarlett. For Maggie," Glenn told her, walking over to Scarlett. He saw her eyes shutting. "Eyes open. Here." He handed her water as Scarlett's eyes fluttered open. She took the water with a nod.

"Your wife?"

"She wouldn't leave you behind. She wouldn't want me to leave you behind. Scarlett asked me not to. So we're going."

"I'm not friends with your wife either. Or her," Enid muttered.

"I'm not having this conversation," Glenn said quickly.

"We're not leaving you out here," Scarlett murmured groggily. "We gotta go now."

"No," Enid grumbled before taking out a gun. Scarlett sat up straighter as the gun was pointed directly at Glenn. Scarlett scoffed, just wanting to catch a break.

"Give me the gun, Enid."

"Turn around and walk away. Get her home," Enid threatened.

"You're not gonna pull the trigger," Glenn told her.

"I will if you make me," she said as Glenn stepped closer. He suddenly grabbed the gun with no problem. "Let go."

Enid did so as he checked the rounds. He placed it in his pants as he handed Scarlett her Python. He then realized what he was doing. She gave him a look. He sighed, keeping the Python.

"Asshole," Enid grumbled.

"You point a gun at me and I'm the asshole?" Glenn asked, helping Scarlett stand. "Let's go. Out the back down the alley. We're taking the road. We need visibility."

"Why?" Enid asked.

"Because half the herd broke off and they're headed towards home," Scarlett said. "I guess you missed that."

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