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resilient greenes

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resilient greenes

BEING ON THE MOVE AGAIN AGITATED SCARLETT, BUT SHE KNEW THEY WERE GONNA FIND SOMEWHERE SOON. Everyone had been in lighter spirits since the burning of their past. Daryl was even trying to teach Beth some tracking techniques, and she was loving the attention from the hunter.

Judith kept quiet for the most part. She almost could understand the importance of the situation they were in. Scarlett was just glad the baby was such a good one. Rick had raised her well—

She sighed, feeling her heart clench at the thought of Rick.

"Are we close?" Beth asked softly, staring at the tracks.

"Almost done," Daryl grunted out, keeping his crossbow loaded as they walked.

Beth hummed, grinning at Scarlett. "How do you know?"

"The signs are all there. You just got to know how to read them," Daryl told her, turning to look at Judith when the baby babbled a bit.

Beth rolled her eyes at his dry answer. "But what are we tracking?"

"You tell me. You're the one that wanted to learn."

They paused as Beth leaned down to check out the tracks. Scarlett took out her machete as she looked around for any potential threats. She probably looked psychotic having a baby strapped to her while holding a large knife. Daryl disagreed, however, he thought she looked badass.

"Well, something came through here. The pattern's all zig-zaggy. It's a walker," Beth told them.

"Maybe it's a drunk," Scarlett teased, lips going into a smile at their chuckles. Daryl clapped Beth on the back as she stood up straight beaming.

"I'm getting good at this. Pretty soon, I won't need you at all."

Daryl rolled his eyes. "Yeah. Keep on tracking."

They were about to keep walking when a walker snapped a twig near them. Scarlett turned with a sneer as he growled and groaned at them.

"It's got a gun," Beth told them, knowing they could use another weapon.

Scarlett nodded as Beth walked toward the walker to take it out. Daryl was going to let her, but as soon as she got close, a snare trap caught Beth's foot causing her to scream out in pain.

Scarlett rushed forward to take out the walker as Daryl got Beth out of the trap. Judith shrieked as they got closer to the walker, and Scarlett made quick work of getting it killed. She leaned down, grabbing the gun and sticking it in her pants as she turned to see Daryl rubbing Beth's ankle.

"Can you move it?"


Daryl looked up at Scarlett. "All right?"

"M'fine. All three of us," she teased slightly, keeping her knife out.

Daryl grunted a reply, helping Beth stand. "You ready?" he asked her. She nodded. "Let's keep moving."

They walked back out of the woods, figuring they needed to keep to the road to find somewhere new to hole up. Beth was limping something awful, and Scarlett was feeling nauseous again from the heat and weight of Judith. Daryl noticed the two not doing so hot, so he tried to keep moving to find somewhere. He thought of Rick. Hershel. Neither would give up until they found somewhere safe for their girls. He had to do it.

They had been walking on the road for over two hours when they saw a large house a few miles North. Daryl stared at it, realizing it was a funeral home.

"Can we, can we hold up a sec?" Beth asked.

"I agree," Scarlett murmured, sitting on the ground slowly. She breathed in and out to try amd rid the nausea.

"Y'all a'right?"

"I just need to sit down," Scarlett whispered. "Nauseous."

"My ankle is throbbin'," Beth murmured, following suit.

"All right," Daryl muttered, seeing how close they were to the funeral home.

"M'sorry. Us Greene's are supposed to be resilient," Scarlett said with a grin.

Daryl shook his head. "Nah, all good. I remember Lori barfing every hour. You're doin' good."

Scarlett winced, also remembering that.

"'Sides, aren't you gon' be Grimes?" Daryl teased before realizing what he said.

Scarlett glanced at the ring on her finger. "Yeah, yeah I am. Scarlett Grimes."

Beth smiled at her older cousin. "Has a nice ring to it, Scar."

They sat for a bit, deciding to drink some water since they all needed it. Judith was let off of Scarlett as the baby walked wobbly over to Uncle Daryl. Daryl grinned, keeping his hands latched with her smaller ones as they did a lap around the two sitting ducks. Scarlett laughed when Daryl picked Judith up, throwing her in the air and catching her. It was one of the sweetest things she had seen the hunter do.

"Who's yer favorite Uncle. It's me, right? Right, Lil' Ass-Kicker?" he teased, tickling the baby. Judith laughed and giggled and slapped Daryl's face to get him to stop. Scarlett grinned at him as she took notice to the sun setting behind Daryl's head. Daryl handed Judith back to Scarlett as he noticed the same thing.

Scarlett smiled, reaching her hand out for Daryl to take. He helped her up, keeping her steady when she got dizzy. He helped Beth stand as he glanced at how far left they had to get there.

"Hold up," Daryl commented, handing Beth his crossbow as he crouched in front of her. "Hop on."

"You serious?" Beth asked as Scarlett chuckled as Daryl's answer.

"Yeah. This is serious piggyback. Jump up."

Beth rolled her eyes, jumping onto his back. Scarlett watched Daryl fix her so Beth was sitting straight as he looked at Scarlett. "You're next. Don' look so jealous, Red."

"Can't wait," Scarlett teased as they started walking.

"You're heavier than you look," Daryl grumbled to Beth as the girls just laughed at his misfortune.

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