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hershel's dance

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hershel's dance

RICK COULD NOT SLEEP THAT NIGHT. Between being worried for Scarlett, worried for Lori and the baby, worried about Carl, worried about Declan, worried about the other prisoners, and worried about their plans for the future... Rick had a lot on his mind.

He was grateful Scarlett pulled him in her bed though. It made him feel needed and as if he was being helpful. He wanted nothing more than for Scarlett to feel confident in herself again just as she was moments before she saw her father, but he would take the baby steps and little wins.

Scarlett noticed Rick was gone when she woke up, but she did not mind it too much. She had to pull herself together. She let herself breakdown. She let herself get pulled back, but now it was time for her to kick and scream until she could push forward again. Her Daddy was not going to have that hold on her. She would not let him. Not anymore.

After pulling on Rick's flannel, she put her hair in two braids and stepped out of her cell. Few members of the group were up, but she did not let their stares make her uncomfortable. She smiled at Carl, plucking his Sherrif's hat from his head and placing it on her own head.

She looked at Lori, the pregnant woman eating breakfast. "Feelin' okay?"

"Baby's bein' real calm," Lori murmured, hiding the fear in her voice. "You?"

"M'all right," she muttered back, stealing a piece of bread from the table and thanking Carol under her breath. "Goin' to clear some more of those walkers. Holler if ya need me."

"Scarlett!" Maggie yelled, anger seeping in her pores. "Come with me," she added with a glare.

Scarlett followed her outside, crossing her arms over her chest in order to hide the fear of Maggie. Maggie had a look on her face, and Scarlett did not like it.

"So, what? All's well?" Maggie sneered. "You've been on your deathbed the past week, and when you wake up, you let that asshole make you go off the rails!? Now, what!?"

Scarlett furrowed her brows.

"We have been their for each other since you moved in. I was the first person you trusted. The first person you opened up to," Maggie whispered as if she was in pain. "I know he's in there. In your head, too, but I'm the one person who promised to protect you since we were kids. I'm not gon' break that promise, Scarlett."

"I'm sorry," Scarlett whispered. "I'm sorry, Maggie."

Maggie sighed, pulling her into her embrace. The two cousins who were basically sisters held each other the way they did when they were kids. Glenn opened the door, hoping to find the sisters talking peacefully and not trying to kill each other, and he was happy to see them hugging. He smiled, leaning on the open door.

Maggie opened her eyes and smiled as she saw Glenn's content face. Breaking away from Scarlett, Maggie caressed her face in a motherly way before getting out of her way. "All right. Go clear walkers or whatever. I'm gon' see if Daddy needs help with those crutches Carl made."

Scarlett nodded, stepping into the sunlight. Squinting her eyes, she looked around the yard and spotted Daryl and Rick. Glenn smiled hesitantly at her, gesturing for her to walk, and they went to the pair together.

Rick bit his lip as he saw Scarlett walking forward in his flannel and sherrif's hat. "What's goin' on?" Glenn asked them.

"Gon' clear the rest of the bodies," Daryl said. "I'll start making runs, the sooner, the better."

Rick nodded. "We'll throw as much wood as we can in the dog run."

Scarlett looked around the rest of the bodies as Glenn asked, "Won't the fire attract walkers? Maybe we should bury 'em."

"We're behind a fence. It's worth a one-time risk to get rid of the bodies for good. I don't want to be planting crops in walker-rotted soil," Rick said as he walked toward Scarlett. He twirled a piece of her red curls that fell from the braids and placed it behind his ear. "Hey, sleep okay?" Scarlett nodded. He smiled, leaning forward and kissing her right in front of Glenn and Daryl.

Scarlett was surprised because Rick did not do PDA on front of the others often. Holding hands maybe, but kissing? She let him kiss her fully on the mouth before backing away. He turned to Daryl and Glenn, both who were smirking but looking away.

It was quiet as they moved walker bodies with the cars. T-Dog and Carol had started the small fire for the walkers while they brought them over. Scarlett smiled as Beth, Carl, and Lori came out with Hershel and Maggie following. Hershel was using these crutches that Carl made, and he was moving pretty good already. Scarlett walked over to Glenn, getting his attention. He grinned at Hershel.

"He is one tough son of a bitch. Alright Hershel!" Glenn yelled as Daryl walked by with firewood. He shushed the Glenn, gesturing to the walkers gaining up on the fence. "Oh, man, can't we just have one good day?"

"You're doing great Daddy," Beth called to him as Scarlett walked over to Carl. She laughed as Carl hopped up to grab the Sherrif's hat back from her. Carl looked at the old man. "Ready to race, Hershel?"

"You give me another day, I'll take you on," Hershel teased back as he saw Scarlett smiling. "Wanna dance, Scar? We can do that today!" he laughed. Scarlett grabbed one of his hands and let him twirl her kinda with his shaky hands. Scarlett let a laugh leave just as she heard a loud groan right behind her ear.

Turning, Carl yanked her out of the way as he shouted, "WALKERS! Look out!"

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