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CARL WONDERED WHY SCARLETT DID NOT LET JUDITH FAR FROM HER SIGHT DESPITE ALL THE PEOPLE AROUND. He guessed it was because of the baby in her stomach making her motherly instincts larger. He also watched her eyes follow him everywhere.

"Hey, Dad?" Carl asked, hand fumbling with his gun holster. Rick hummed in reply. "Is Scarlett okay?"

"What'cha mean?" he asked, his own eyes glancing to the woman who held Judith. Judith was giggling up a storm as Maggie tickled her a bit. She was strapped to Scarlett despite Rick's protest because of Scarlett's back and feet. He did not want to strain her.

"Dunno," Carl murmured. "Seems different."

"We all are," Rick said softly, patting Carl's back. "See if she'll let you take Judy."

Carl nodded, walking forward to Scarlett.

Scarlett noticed her boy coming up to her. Her smile was bright as she put a hand on Carl's shoulder, rubbing softly. "Want me to take her?"

Scarlett groaned with a nod. "Please. Jude's been eating a lot lately." She unstrapped her, letting Carl take her. "When you get tired, I'll take her back."

Carl nodded but hesitated. "Y'know we can take turns. All of us here."

"Just wanna keep an eye on her," Scarlett murmured, rubbing her own shoulder sheepishly. Carl decided not to push it.

"You feelin' okay?"

"I haven't thrown up in two days," Scarlett said cheerfully. "I call that a win." Carl chuckled. "Your Dad told you to check on me? I'm okay."

"Nah, we're all worried about you. Have you eaten?"

"Carl Grimes, I'll knock your hat off," Scarlett threatened with a smirk. "I'm fine. What about you and Soph?"

"What about her?"

"You didn't mention how y'all got out," she told him. "I see your blushing face when she's around."

Carl flushed, turning to walk off.

"You can't ignore me, Sheriff Ass-Kicker!" she called causing the others to chuckle.

"Totally am!" he called back, walking over to Sophia, which made Scarlett laugh harder.

Scarlett made her way to Rick. She reached her hand out, intertwining it with his. He glanced at her with a smile, squeezing it. The pair led the group as Rick fiddled with the engagement ring.

"I love you," Scarlett whispered out of nowhere. "Don' think I said it in a while. Just needed to remind you."

Rick grinned, his other hand coming up to rub his beard where the smile only grew. "Love you more, Scar. Always."

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