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SCARLETT RODE WITH RICK IN A CAR THAT THEY HAD FOUND. She had Judith in her lap as Carl and Sophia sat in the back. Sophia was holding Carl's hand tightly as she rambled about what they were going to do when they got to Alexandria.

"Yeah? What if they have all the comics you could ever imagine?" Scarlett teased.

"It'll be like a dream," Sophia gushed, causing Carl to laugh. "Don't laugh, Grimes. You got me started on them."

"That I did," Carl agreed, grinning.

Rick glanced over at Scarlett with a smirk on his lips. Scarlett bouncing Judith when the baby cooed. "Oh, Judy's gon' love a real bed again. That's what she's lookin' forward to."

"Not the only one," Rick commented just as they saw the RV slowing down behind them. "Shit."

Pulling over, they all got out of the car to see the problem. Scarlett smiled as she could see D.C. in the distance. Bouncing Judith, she murmured, "We made it here after all."

Abraham slammed his hands into the RV. "Can't win. Might as well paint it red, put a ladder on it."

Glenn chuckled. "All we need is another battery."

"Where in the hell are we gonna find another battery?"

"Right over here."

Glenn walked around the RV to the side. Scarlett watched as he opened a secret compartment, revealing another battery to Abraham. Scarlett smiled, knowing Dale had taught him that.

Her smile fell. The farm seemed so long ago.

"How'd you know those were there?"

Glenn laughed. "Come on."

Scarlett walked over to Rick, leaning her head on his shoulder as she felt a tear leave her eye. Her mind was on all the bad again.

"The fight's over," Michonne said as she walked over to them. "You've got to let it go. I know it's hard. After it's kept you... Warm and fed and... Alive. But the fight... It turns on you. You've got to let it go."

Rick nodded, turning his head to kiss Scarlett's temple. She leaned off of him as he stared at Michonne. "That's what Bob was trying to tell me back at the church. What to risk. When it's safe. When to let someone in."

He sighed, leaning over to kiss Judith.

"The rules keep changing. They did for me," Scarlett told them just as they heard the engine to the RV start. They were all cheering around it, and she saw people patting Glenn on his back.

"Before we get going, I got to... I got to take a moment," Rick told them, kissing Scarlett once more before turning and walking away. Michonne gave Scarlett a look, but Scarlett turned and went to get back inside the car. Carl and Sophia got in soon after. She noticed Sophia lean over and kiss Carl on the cheek before leaning on him.

"We're almost there," she murmured to them.

When Rick got back, they finished the drive to Alexandria. Rick opened the window as they got closer, passing through some ruined houses. They saw the large walls. They saw the large gate.

Scarlett shushed Carl and Sophia when she heard something.

People talking... children laughing.

There were sounds they had not heard in so long.

Rick gulped, thinking the same thing as he glanced at Scarlett. "You ready?"

"I guess so."

Scarlett got out of the car as the others piled out of the RV. Rick walked to the front of the car, taking Judith from Scarlett's arms. "Hey. Hey, sweetheart. Come here."

Scarlett smiled at him, turning her head and gesturing for Carl and Sophia to stay in her sights. They walked forward, all the others, passing the Grimes family. Carol grabbed Sophia's hand, patting Rick's shoulder.

"Even though you were wrong, you were still right."

Rick watched as the gate opened up, revealing a beautiful town. He glanced at Scarlett's worried face. She rubbed her stomach softly. She looked to be in pain, but not physically.

"Hey, we're okay."

"S'long as we're together, right?" she asked shakily.

"Exactly," Rick promised, grabbing her hand and following the others inside the gates of Alexandria.

The others parted, letting Rick and Scarlett take the lead. Carl stayed at Scarlett's side. Daryl soon fell into step as well. Scarlett jumped when they heard rattling to their left. Daryl pointed his crossbow at the trashcan, smirking when a opossum jumped out. He immediately sent a bolt through its body, picking it up.

Then, they noticed a man who opened the gate staring at them with strange eyes.

"We brought dinner," Daryl commented dryly.

Scarlett smirked, nudging Daryl with her elbow. Aaron told the man at the gate that they were okay—to let them in. Scarlett looked around at Alexandria at this point. She saw trees and grass, untouched by the anger outside. Houses lined the roads. They were well-kept. They had some people standing on the porches.

Looking further, she saw kids running around. She saw a dog being walked. She saw a couple kissing, laughing.

Gulping, she looked back at her group. These people in the walls were weak. They would not survive a day out there like her family has. She immediately was on guard. She did not like the fact that they were as weak as they were. They could cause her family to become weak as well.

"Before we take this any further, I need you all to turn over your weapons," the man at the gate stated, getting Scarlett's attention. "Stay, you hand them over."

"We don't know if we want to stay," Rick told him.

"It's fine, Nicholas," Aaron promised.

"If we were gonna use them, we would have started already," Rick said with a small smirk, holding Judith tighter.

"Let them talk to Deanna first."

"Who's Deanna?"

"She knows everything you'd want to know about this place," Aaron told them. "Rick, why don't you start?"

They heard a walker snarling behind them. Scarlett held the rifle tighter in her hand. Rick glanced back before his head gestured to the walker. "Scarlett."

Scarlett aimed her gun, waiting as her group moved out of her range. She shot the gun, the silencer keeping it from making too much of a sound. She smirked as it went right through its head. Turning back to Nicholas, she kept the smirk as he looked at her with cautious eyes.

"It's a good thing we're here," Rick commented as the gate was shut behind them.


hi! just thought i'd pop in and thank y'all for reading. only twenty chapters left! i don't like too long of author's notes, so keep voting and commenting because i read them all! thanks again!

happy reading xx

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