chapter 4- overwhelmed

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Sara p.o.v.

I woke up to the sun shining brightly in my eyes making me groan. I went to cover my face with my hands to block the sun when all of a sudden the sun disappeared and it was just normal. No wind, no sun and no rain. Just normal.

I was confused at first until I shot up remembering about last night. My birthday, powers, the weather I made.

I remember my powers being...

Weather, fire, teleport and there was another power that came through that I could not figure out because I passed out right before.

Omg, I have 4 powers ! That is so rare. I don't know if I should be happy and excited or scared.

I got up out off bed and took a shower. I could not stop thinking about my powers. I have this feeling something is going to happen today and I can not tell if it's bad or good. I really hope i dont mess up and I really hope my powers dont get out of control in front of people. That would be a disaster.

I got ready for school then headed down stairs to make some breakfast. I decided that toast will be fine but as I popped my toast up it would not come up. I groaned in frustration and tried shaking the toaster.

Finally it came out and as I went to pick the toast up electricity shot out off me making the toast fly out the broken window reminding me that my windows broke.

I groaned in frustration but then froze.

Electricity just shot threw my arms and I just zapped my toast.

Holy shit. I guess I found my last power. I thought to myself.

That power scares me more. I could fry someone body by an accident. I groaned and looked Around. There was smashed glass from the windows everywhere. I sighed and did a spell to get the windows back up and the glass be removed. Finally doing it I decided to head to school. .

Let's get this day over with. I said to myself.

I walked out the house and decided to try and teleport to school. I started thinking about the school and thankfully I made it. I couldn't believe how easy it was. Maybe I will be able to control this power better then the others.

I walked through the school gates and headed straight for the reception office. As I got there a nice old lady sent a smile.

"Good morning. Are you new here? I have not seen you around before." She asked politly easing my nerves.

"Good morning, yes I'm new here." I said softly.

She nodded and asked for a few more details before finally giving me my sheets for what lessons i have.

I could tell she was a werewolf just by her sniffing up and taking in my scent. I know she knows I am a witch.

My mom told me all about werewolves. She told me how some are really nice and others not so much. My mothers name was katrina. She helped snap the bond between an alpha drake and luna Harper. My mom said they were all lovely people. However some are not so nice.

I'm pretty sure we are close to the pack that my mom helped but I can not remember.

I headed back outside for some fresh air knowing i am early anyways. All of a sudden I heard some girls squealing in excitement. I heard some of them say about an future alpha being here as well.

I looked to where they were looking and instantly my eyes spotted the most handsomest man I have ever met. He was more beautiful then words can describe. He looked straight into my eyes and mumbled something I did not catch. This made everyone he was with look right at me. They all had shock on there face but also happiness making me confused.

I noticed how one off the girls jumped up and down in excitement and holding onto his arm. He payed no attention to her how ever and kept staring at me making me blush.

All of a sudden jealousy aroused in my veins. Who is that girl to him? Is that his girlfriend? Why the hell am I getting jealous over a guy I dont even know and never even spoken to or seen in my life.

I groaned feeling overwhelmed and confused. What is going on with me. I have never felt this way before.

All of a sudden with me feeling overwhelmed the weather started to change.  Out the blue it started to pour down with rain making my eyes widen in panic. They all yelped not expecting the pouring down rain and I took that as my chance to run. I did not want to make a fool out off myself.

I quickly decided to find my first class and with the help of a teacher I managed to find it. I was the first one there so I sat down waiting for the rest of the students and the teacher.

Looking at that handsome man before has stirred something in me. I'm not sure what it was though. I felt so overwhelmed with how I was feeling. I felt like I melted on the spot and then I felt jealous and then I felt confused. Ahh what is going on with me.

Even just thinking about him brings butterflies to my stomach. I'm not sure what is going on with me but it needs to stop. I have things I need to focus on. That is finishing school and finding proof on who killed my mother. I want justice. It's the least my mother deserves.

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