chapter 12-

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Sarah's p.o.v.

All I could do last night was cry. I feel so bad for walking out the way I did but I was so overwhelmed I didn't know what else to do.

Part of me wants to jump in hunters arms. Ever since I layed eyes on him I felt so safe. However I want to keep him safe as well. Part of me is wishing that I talked to him but the other part of me thinks it's best I went away so he will always be safe. However what I did not think about is that I have to see them all again today at school.

I groaned and rolled out of bed. I got ready for school and instead of teleporting to school I decided to walk. I needed to clear my head.

On the walk there which is not actually that far I started thinking about Hunter yet again. Then I started thinking about my mother. I also started thinking more about my powers.

Thinking so much about everything I barely even acknowledged I was at school until I felt someone stood next to me.

"Hey." I heard someone say softly besides me making me jump.

I looked to my side and noticed it was angel. There was noone else around apart from her.

"Sorry  I didn't mean to scare you. Are you okay?" She asked gently.

I smiled politely at her and nodded.

"Yeah, I was just in my own world." I said with a tight smile.

She nodded her head in understanding.

"I know we do not know eachother sarah but I feel like you had a reason for why you reacted the way you did about you and Hunter being mates. Hunter is a great guy. He Is basically my family. We are not blood related. We are just related through my uncle keaton but I am more on my uncle damiens side of the family blood wise anyways but I look at Hunter and crystal like my siblings." Angel said rambling. However that's not what caught my attention. It was her mentioning damien that caught my attention.

"D- did you just say damien?" I asked suprised.

She looked at me confused.

"Yes, hes my brother. We just have different fathers." Angel said.

"Wait i- is Harper your mom." I asked shocked.

She looked surprised before she stared at me a bit suspicious.

"How did you know?" She asked confused.

I looked at her with my jaw practically on the floor. I  knew that I was close to the packs but I never realised I was this close. I also never thought that i would end up friends with damiens sister.

My mom stayed in contact with keaton and alpha damien. I have met alpha damien a few times when he would come over. My mom always told me she opened up to alpha damien a lot and if i ever had questions to go to him if she was not around. I never fully understood her. However I have a feeling alpha damien knows some things I don't.

I didnt want anyone to hear us so I had to pull her in private. However when I looked up I noticed crystal heading towards us with rose, daisy, jayden and Hunter. I decided now was not the best time.

I looked at Hunter and my heart ached. He looked so tired and he wouldn't even look me in my eyes making me have to bite my lip to stop myself from whimpering.

"Hey" crystal said awkwardly.

I cleared my throat and said hi back. I could not stand the awkwardness as everyone stayed silent so I quickly excused myself and wandered off before anyone could stop me.

I sighed in relief as I got away from them all. I headed to my next lesson even though I knew I was going to be early.

Hunter p.o.v.

I could barely bring myself to look sarah in her eyes. I knew if I did I would beg her there and them to be with me. To give me a chance but I didn't want to make her any more uncomfortable then she seemed.

As she walked away I could see as angel stared at her retrieving body looking kind of confused.

"Are you okay angel?" I asked with a frown.

She looked at me before blinking and nodded her head with a small smile. I feel as though something was said but I didn't want to push angel for any answers.

Just then Jace and jasper walked over to angel.

"Are you okay angel? You look lost." Jasper asked.

Angel nodded and smiled softly.

"I'm fine, did my brother say he was picking me up today?" She asked confusing us all.

It's either her dad (max), her brother (alpha damien) or her sister (lucy) that picks her up. She never asks that much though because she doesn't mind who picks her up as long as it's any of them.

"No, my dad said it will be auntie lucy." Jacye said confused.

"Can you ask damien to pick us up. I really want to see him." Angel asked softly.

Jace ( alpha damiens son) looked at her in concern.

"Sure" he said still looking concerned.

She smiled in thanks before she spotted one of her friends adam and walked over to him. Adam is human and the only other male we allow around her. He doesn't know she is a werewolf but they are really close. He is also very much gay and so therefore we do not mind him being around her. We all looked at angel a little while longer a bit confused and concerned.

For the rest of the day I hardly seen sarah which I really did not like. Angel seemed to be back to herself making us all relax but jace did say that alpha damien said he will collect them.

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