chapter 44- sienna

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Sienna (head coven daughter) p.o.v.

My name is sienna and my mother is head coven. I am the future head coven and in all honestly I can not wait to take over.

I know sarah sees me as this horrible bitch but I'm really not. I always wanted to become friends with sarah. I really did. However my mom never allowed that to happen. I always felt sorry for sarah and Katrina.

For the first few years I did as my mom said and  hated sarah. I truly believed that being with a human was bad because that's what my mom believed.

So I never liked Sarah. That was up until a fee years ago. We was I think like 12 years old and I had fallen into the pool. I could not swim people and I could feel as I struggled to breathe.

I felt as the water entered my mouth and I swallowed a lot of it. I looked over to the other side of the pool and noticed sarah stood there. I truly expected after how I treat her for her to not help me. I was very suprised when she jumped into the pool and dragged me out the water.

Sarah saved my life and it honestly confused me. I still to this day am so grateful for sarah saving me. As I was abouts the thank her on that day I noticed my mom coming towards her. So I shouted at sarah and told her I never needed her help and stormed off while my mom just watched.

I get frustrated and angry at myself for never being able to talk to sarah properly. However I really do fear my mom. As much as my mom wants a heir for me to be the future head coven I know she would kill me if she has to. Or if she is angry enough.

We are not allowed to kill humans and she killed one with out a care in the world. My mom hurts me physically and emotionally. Not a lot of people know. I would rather it keep that way. As soon as I become head coven I am going to make my mom go into another coven or go and be a lone witch.

After the day when sarah saved me something did not seem right. My mom told me that the half human witches are evil. Nothing but horrible and disgusting creatures. I believed her up until then. She told me they are disloyal. I believe her up until then.

I started to do some digging of my own. One day while my mom was in a meeting I went through her office. That's when I found the proof of her killing the human (sarah father).

I was shocked and disgusted in my mom. How could she do anything like that. I read her fsthers reports and he was a really nice guy from what I could see.

I decided to snoop in her bedroom and see if I could see anything else. However what came to a shock from me was that I found out who my father was. My father was a human. His name is called Larry bolder.

I was shocked to find out my father is a human. In her diary she had put everything from how she met him to the last day she spoke to him. He never wanted me.

It really sadenned me. It hurt actually. A lot more then I expected but what hurt more was how she only kept me for a heir.

Then it hit me. She needed a heir no matter what. I needed to show her I was on her side so that she could make me the head covens one day and I can change this coven into a better coven.

I had to go against sarah and Katrina. However I new i needed for them to have hints. I wanted them to know my mom was behind this. Whatever hope and love i had left for my mom i felt nothing for her anymore. Not that i would tell my mom that.

My mom feels nothing towards me and i guess i always knew that. But now I have found the proof of it I feel nothing but disgust and a part of hatred for her. However I will play her at her own game.

That's when I gave hints to katrina (sarah mom). I left evidence in little places for katrina to find. I knew katrina would end up going to the council and that's what I wanted.

However as though katrina caught on it was me somehow she pulled me aside one day when no one was there.


I got dragged into a closet and almost screamed when I noticed katrina put her hand over my mind.

"Shh. It's alright I'm not trying to hurt you." Katrina said whispering quietly.

"What do you want.?" I asked.

"I know it's you leaving me all the evidence Sienna." She said softly making my eyes widen.

"Wha- what! I don't know what you are talking about." I stuttered out whisper screaming.

"You need to work on your lying or your mom will catch on. I know you always wanted to be friends with sarah. I always noticed you watched her with sadness. I know your mom is making you not be friends with her. What I want to know is why are you helping me." Katrina said looking me dead in the eyes.

My mouth opened and closed for a short while before I sighed. No use lying.

"Your right I am helping you with the evidence. My mom is horrible. Mean even. She hurts me and I'm fed up of it. Not just physically but emotionally. She doesn't even like me and I even read about it in her journal. Then hides the fact my father is a human. Like who does that? I think that's why she hates humans so badly because my father no longer wanted her or me. She killed your husband so I gave you the proof as I know you will go to the council. " I started rambling making katrina put a hand over my mouth as I got louder. It just felt good to finally be able to open up to someone about it.

I had not even told any of my friends about this.

She nodded her head in understanding.

"Its okay. You don't need to cry I understand. Maybe one day you and sarah will become friends. However for now you still need to act Cold towards everyone. Be how you have always been doing. It will all work out in the end." She said softly before walking away leaving me gaping not understanding what has just happened.

As much as I would love to be friends with sarah. I dont think she could ever forgive me.

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