Chapter 2 - Initial Response

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Shibuya Ward, Tokyo: Prime Minister's Official Residence

"Prime Minister, we have an emergency."

Prime Minister Tadahiko Kato, who had just returned home to prepare for tomorrow, had his sleepiness shattered by these words.

"What is it?"

"All overseas communications have been cut off, sir."


There was a brief silence. The message was suddenly and unexpectedly absurd.

"Is this a joke?"

"Regrettably, no, sir."

The unusual situation made his blood run cold. The Crisis Management Director's voice over the phone sounded quite panicked, but his clear and concise explanation told him that overseas communications had suddenly been cut off. Everything that could be called 'communications' was down, not even phone calls to foreign governments. Even the White House and NASA web pages were not connected. On the other hand, there seemed to be no problem in Japan, as evidenced by the fact that telephone communication is working. Contact with the prefectural governments is also possible, and the internet seemed to be working on domestic servers. This may be a blessing.

"Then, what is the cause?"

"We are currently investigating. In any case, please return to the Office as soon as possible."

"Right, I'm on my way. Let me know if you find anything."

When he hung up the phone, his wife Renko had prepared a suit for him, for which he was very grateful. He quickly donned his pants, Y-shirt, and jacket. He put on his tie later and fastened it in the car.

"Dear, is something terrible happening?"

"Yeah, we've lost contact with the rest of the world."

"The satellite TV wasn't working, is that what you mean...?"

Renko's words became new information. What is going on with the Cabinet Office's satellite?

Still, he had no idea what was going on at all. Even in the worst-case scenario of any natural disaster or armed attack, even if a nuclear explosion were to occur over Japan and an EMP were to kill all electronic equipment, there would be no complete loss of communication with the rest of the world.

"Anyway, I'll see what I can do."

"Be careful, dear."

"Yeah. See you later."

"See you later."

With his wife bowing, Kato headed for the front door. SPs were waiting there, and they led him to a Toyota Century, the PM's personal car. The security vehicle had already turned on its warning lights, and as soon as it started, it sounded its siren. The situation being what it is, an emergency run is in order.

'And yet...'

Kato wondered as he tightened his tie. It's as if Japan is the only country cut off from the rest of the world.


Omitama City, Ibaraki Prefecture: Hyakuri Air Base

All commercial passenger flights were canceled, and planes on approach were ordered to stay in the air. Two F-2As belonging to the 3rd Tactical Fighter Squadron, which were on patrol, blasted their afterburners and cut through the darkness of the night. The formation then climbed to a predetermined altitude and, following instructions from the air defense command center, headed southward over the sound barrier.

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