Chapter 117 - Where the Behemoth Dwells

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Galveston, Texas: Urban Area

It was clear to everyone that winter was harsh and difficult. Both food to fill people's stomachs and fuel to keep warm were being sent to Japan from all over, but due to the physical destruction of administrative organizations by precise bombing and the lack of information about who was where, the chaos continued with no end in sight. Furthermore, in various parts of the world, a collision of famine and riots was occurring. The United States, which had almost no damage to its homeland during World War II, had become a food warehouse for the Allied countries, including the UK and France, but that premise was shattered overnight.

It was none other than himself who had created such a world. Lieutenant Fanning, of the Navy's VFA-27, couldn't help but think so as he alternately watched the convoy of the Self-Defense Forces and their ancestors with empty eyes. There was no other way, and the possibility of things getting worse was very high. It was true if one thought about it rationally. However, words were powerless in the face of the cruel and harsh scene before his eyes, and he couldn't blame the members of the provisional government for the decision they made with a heavy heart. His mind was backed into a corner and thoroughly beaten.


In the midst of eerie glances, Fanning headed towards the Catholic church that had been spared from the war. He was going to confess his sins, which included his patricidal deeds. If he couldn't be judged by the laws of reality, he had no choice but to leave it to God, even if he didn't know whether he would be forgiven.

Of course, he was aware that it was a thoughtless action. He would likely be accused of betrayal and being a devil's agent, and in the worst-case scenario, he might die. But if that happened, it would be God's will. At least, he thought it was much better than giving up his duty and shooting himself in the head or crashing his plane into the sea. However, as soon as he put his plan into action in the solemn confessional, an unprecedented chill ran down his spine.

"Oh, holy one. Lieutenant, you are undoubtedly one of the saviors sent by God."


Fanning couldn't believe his ears. The voice of the priest on the other side of the wall was not hesitant and was pure, but for that reason, it led to the abyss of fear.

"Until just recently, we were like wild beasts writhing in the depths of depravity. The vulgar incitement of popularly elected politicians and media outlets with a fundamentally lacking sense of ethics, led us astray and enabled abnormal and cruel slaughter. Sanity was nowhere to be found, and there was only a perverse affection for pouring hatred and contempt for people of color, and setting fire to innocent people's heads with glee. How can this be expressed without using the word 'hell'?"

Even if he tried to refute it, his voice wouldn't come out. The world in front of him twisted in a non-Euclidean way, and miasma filled the air. The confession room became like a torture device, tightening around his body. His mind cried out like a baby.

"If that's the case, then this Time-Space Cataclysm was surely the will of God, and this war was undoubtedly a punishment from God for us who had fallen into beastliness. There were certainly many victims. However, it was only through the purifying flames of the God Army of the beautiful and harmonious era that we were saved from hell without an exit. If you think about it, even if we were not destroyed like Sodom and Gomorrah..."

"Stop, stop it!"

Trembling uncontrollably, Fanning strained his voice.

"Who in the world would force such a thing on us?"

"Lieutenant, that's not true. We have all listened to the word of God and followed His great will. Isn't that something that even you, the Savior sent by God, should know?"

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