Chapter 94 - Spearhead

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Richmond, Virginia: Urban Area

"Hitler and the Nazis were right!"

"Death to the evil and vicious colored people!"

If one were to hear such lines like that, a modern 21st-century man would glare at them. But cries of such meaning reverberated through the chaotic city center. It was the result of German conscripts who had been sent to the American mainland, following the Army units that had been repatriated from Europe, spouting the ideology that they had espoused until a few months ago.

Moreover, their commanders, who should have shuddered at the horror of the massacre of the Jews, had somehow become tainted with that ideology. Even the mainly Caucasian residents of Richmond had come to identify with the racial theory. The state's welcoming ceremony became a dream collaboration between the Nazis and the KKK. In the end, no one was able to keep up with the war situation, which was supposed to be won by landing on the Japanese archipelago, but instead turned out to be a decisive battle on the US mainland.

"Don't let a single traitor escape."

"Kill all the Jap spies."

"This is the final solution."

The newly established militias were shooting, cursing, and shouting. A large-scale rebellion was about to erupt in the city's Jackson Reed neighborhood—a place that has been developed by freed slaves. An unauthorized anti-war demonstration was being treated as such at the end of a message game, and the city was about to be reduced to ruins, even though it had not been bombed, because of the violent disturbances that followed the perversion of the security order.

"What the hell did I do!?"


A young dark-skinned man who protested against the unreasonable violence was surrounded and brutalized with a table butt. A little beyond that, silver-shirted militiamen were throwing grenades and Molotov cocktails into the church where the protesters had fled for their lives. In a situation like that, some started to fight back with various guns and clubs, which became clear evidence of the rebellion.

"Those kids have done it," a former SS-Sturmbannführer commented as he gazed out over the strange orchard that has become the townscape.

As an additional note about these silver-shirted militiamen, they were an organization called the State Security.


Arkansas: sky over Ouachita National Forest

"Plane 2, bombs away."

In the C-2, First Lieutenant Kihara reported in a clerical tone.

A sniper pod was protruding like a tail from the ramp door opened in the stratosphere. Kihara was the operator, giving the coordinate information to the laser JDAM-equipped Mk. 82 bombs released by a wingman—this time a P-1 patrol plane—and caused it to correct its trajectory.

When the bombs reached the surface of the earth, they still precisely detonated their targets. The bombers of the 21st century, with their precision strike capability, have the operational capability of 1.000 heavy bombers of World War II alone. As a US Air Force general stated, a mixed C-2 and P-1 bomber squadron was also fully capable of such a feat.

"Confirmed all hits... targets destroyed."

"Alright, let's go next."

The leader, Major Mizuse, also responded in a particularly flat tone. In the midst of all this, he noticed that the co-pilot, First Lieutenant Kozutsumi, had a curious look on his face.

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