Chapter 59 - Science Fiction

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Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo: Cabinet Office Building Annex

"Iida-kun, you are fond of science fiction, aren't you?" Ohashi, the head of the National Security Bureau, asked Iida as soon as he returned from the task force headquarters at the Prime Minister's Office.

This sudden question made Iida, the head of the Economic Affairs Division, tilt his head for a moment. Ohashi, his boss, was looking at the report in his hand with a face that was painted with a mixture of seriousness and amusement.

"Well, I read some of it... but what do you mean by that, sir?"

"Take a look at this."

The report he handed him seemed to blow him away with just one glance. It was about the activities of the US leadership, which had called on Britain and the Soviet Union to participate in a multinational project aimed at contacting extraterrestrial life.

"Uhh... is this a joke?"

"It seems that the United States' leadership seriously believes that our country has successfully made contact with aliens and has been granted technology licenses."

"What the..."

Iida read the report with a mixture of astonishment and amazement in his voice.

The theory became popular in the US around the time of the satellite launch, and finally became a project with the president's approval, according to the report. The budget for the project was apparently expanded after the air raid on the American mainland.

"However... considering the time-space cataclysm, isn't this too far out of the realm of imagination?"

"Yes. The idea of aliens is not so unnatural," Ohashi grinned a bit. "So I thought, why not encourage this misconception?"

"I see, so you are forcing them to waste their brainpower. Then, if you use shortwave broadcasting that Japan has succeeded in making contact with aliens, or if you use computer graphics to create fake photographs of a meeting between former Prime Minister Koiso and an alien delegation and scatter them from the air, et cetera, et cetera."

"I appreciate your quick understanding. What kind of content would you like?"


Iida thought for a few seconds and quickly came to a conclusion. It reminded him of a fictional empire that was almost certain to win, only to be overturned by a single space battleship bearing the ancient name of Japan.

"How about... 'Our country has established diplomatic relations with the planet Alexandros and signed a mutual aid agreement?'"


Đà Lạt: Southern Expeditionary Army Headquarters

"Hmmm... I have no idea."

Colonel Tsuji, the 33rd Army's senior staff officer, who had come to the Southern Expeditionary Army Headquarters for a strategy meeting, was confused by the war situation over the past few months.

Unusual victories had continued, including the recapture of Saipan Island and the destruction of the Soviet Far East Army. What's more, yesterday's edition of the squadron's newspaper even showed an aerial photo of Washington, D.C., in flames. The fact that this was not a hoax was made clear by an interception of BBC radio from the enemy country. It was reported that the damage from the air raid on the American mainland was slight. The Imperial Japanese Army is said to be invincible, but it seemed that it has really become one. He didn't understand it at all.

"Also... it's just so infuriating."

Tsuji gritted his teeth. He was more than a little annoyed that a plan to turn the tide of the war was being made without his knowledge or control. Even Chiang Kai-shek, who was supposed to be captured in an airborne raiding operation using the new transport plane, has already sent an envoy to the Nanjing government and was said to be showing his reverence for them. It may be natural for him to do so if the Ledo Road is destroyed and General Stilwell's successor also died, but at any rate, he would like to participate in a series of super operations and achieve results himself. In order to do so, he must return to the headquarters as soon as possible. Tsuji then pondered with all his might who he should talk to and how he should go about it.

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