Chapter 96 - Collapse of the Allied Forces

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Washington, D.C.: White House

"You still don't know what's happening on the West Coast?"

"I find it hard to believe... not one reconnaissance plane has returned."

Army Chief of Staff Marshall continued in a trembling voice in front of the astonished President Truman.

He was not lying. The air forces, which were still supposed to be in the tens of thousands, were about to become an object in the shape of one airplane. The fuel storage was targeted first, so they could not fly because they ran out of fuel, they did not know where the spare parts were, and the communication network with the base was a mess, so orders could not reach them. Even so, when they did manage to send out a reconnaissance plane, it would disappear long before the target at every turn. The rate of planes not returning was an astonishing 100%.

"We have only been able to obtain a few eyewitness testimonies and photographs. We have also not been able to consolidate and analyze them properly due to the destruction of the local command center and the disruption of the telephone network..."

"Damn it, why?"

"The Alexandrians' air power is so overwhelming—"

"That's not the point!"

Heckling. Everyone was devastated, and words fail to carry over.

The conference room in the White House's underground bomb shelter was filled with a heavy silence, which was abruptly broken after a while. At that moment, everyone around the table braced themselves. They thought it was another one of those news, as they had been getting either sad or bad news recently. Then, as expected, Secretary of State Stettinius paled and stiffened when he was being whispered to.

"What is it now?"

"It seems that that rotten pig of a country, the United Kingdom, has decided to leave the Allied Forces."

"What, are you sure?"

"Yes, sir. I regret to inform you that I have it on very good authority..."

"GRRR, those shameless ingrates!"

Truman was so livid that he smashed various items on the tabletop, throwing them to the floor.

It had only been a little over a month since the Soviet Union and Great Britain had confirmed the establishment of a united front against Japan in Philadelphia, and this was a rare betrayal in world history. France, the Netherlands, and others will probably follow suit. At a time when mankind must unite to fight, all of them were the first to flee, and he had no idea for what purpose they protected them from the Nazi tyranny and liberated their lands. But while he was furious, the sober part of Truman was beginning to think about damage control.

"Oh, right, and what about the situation in Mexico?"

Truman asked about the neighbor who betrayed him first, after a moment of raging.

"Did you get rid of that bastard Camacho?"

"Army troops are currently engaged in Mexico City... we expect them to capture the government offices shortly."

"I see. Get a head start in Canada and Cuba. I won't tolerate any more selfishness," Truman ordered.

Stettinius looked like he wanted to say something, but was silenced by a glare. Then, when he saw that Marshall had run the liaison, Truman sighed. After a few seconds of morbid silence, he stood up with a heavy heart.

"Do you need something, Mister President...?"

"I'm going for a little walk outside."

Truman left the conference room with his escort and a gloomy look on his face, with no one to blame for the danger. The secretaries and military commanders had not given up on the president they were to serve. It was just that they all felt equally helpless and vaguely hoped that the bombers would not target them when they went out on a whim.

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