Chapter 16 - Unknown Region

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Arlington, Virginia: the Pentagon

A top-secret communications device was installed in the Pentagon, which was completed the year before last. Called SIGSALY, it is a system that theoretically proves to be secure by allowing the users to share a random number key that is longer than the communication text, and by limiting the use of the random number key to one time only. The security of the system was endorsed by Claude Shannon, the founder of information theory, and even with the overwhelming computational resources of the 21st century, it is impossible to decipher the contents of communications.

The reason why SIGSALY has not been widely used is that the system is so complex, weighs over 50 tons, and is cumbersome to operate. If there was even the slightest discrepancy between the transmitter and receiver, the whole thing would go up in smoke. Because of this, it could only be used for secret meetings of presidents, prime ministers, and generals.

"Ooh, Marshal, how are you doing?"

Franklin D. Roosevelt, the 32nd President of the United States of America, asked over the SIGSALY telephone.

By "Marshal," he meant Douglas MacArthur, who was fighting the Japanese in the Philippines and, I might add, was one of the people Roosevelt loathed the most in the world. MacArthur was outspoken against the President, gave speeches for hours on end as if he were God, twisted the course of operations on the Pacific Theater for his own personal gain, and, most of all, a Republican. He is a narcissistic, psychopathic, corn-pipe-smoking filth.

But even Roosevelt would never voice his inner thoughts like that.

"Are we defeating the Japanese well?"

"We have recaptured Manila, as you know. All we have to do now is to get rid of the ones holed up in the mountains of Luzon... after that I can usually sleep well at night. Mister President, what's the problem?"

"Just a few moments ago, B-29s on a bombing mission over Tokyo reported tremendous losses," Roosevelt stated in irritation.

In fact, it's supposed to be night in the Philippines and this son of a bitch was trying to tell the President himself that he is the reason he can't sleep.

"There are reports of over three hundred B-29s launching and only five coming back."

"That's impossible, sir," MacArthur's incredulous voice responded. "Mistakes are made on the battlefield, and good commanders are not distracted by such things."

"Hmm, I can agree with that. Just to be sure, no B-29s have landed there, have they?"

"No, not at all. And even a child can see that it is closer to Tokyo back to Guam than it is to Manila... oh, Mister President, there is one possibility, and that is the Soviet communist thugs."

"What do you mean... Marshal, the Soviet Union is our ally, remember? They're hounding on that madman Hitler."

"It's simple. For some reason, all the B-29s that had to land in the Soviet Union were interned together. The communist thugs would totally do it. In fact, they detained the crew for about a year when Doolittle did his best, and they probably kept the B-29s that crash-landed in their possession. Especially, that man Stalin is not trustworthy at all. As soon as we defeat Germany and Japan, why don't we return the favor and turn the Kremlin into a junkyard?"

"That's enough, Marshal!" Roosevelt yelled, disgusted with the whole thing.

If left unchecked, MacArthur would spend an hour cursing the Soviet Union and Stalin, and then he would be twice as gleeful explaining how he would do great things against the Soviet Union. He hated Japan to death, but Roosevelt wished they would just kill this bastard.

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