Chapter 28 - Surgical Strike

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Pacific Ocean: 400 km south of Iwo Jima

March 16, dawn. The aircraft carrier USS Bunker Hill lost combat capability.

The flight deck suddenly exploded. A large hole was drilled through it, and a thick plume of black smoke billowed out. The aircraft, which had been being serviced in the hangar in preparation for tomorrow, was obliterated along with the mechanics and their tools. It was obvious that they had been attacked, and it was a perfect surprise that no one noticed until the damage was done.

"Air raid, air raid!"

"Damage control, now!"

"Was the radar asleep at the wheel!?"

While the shock was still fresh, everyone aboard the Bunker Hill responded as quickly as possible. The ship's phones rang with damage reports. A group of sailors rushed to the hangar carrying hoses in an effort to contain the massive fire that engulfed the hangar and extinguish it as quickly as possible, even if only for a minute. Troops were rushing to man double cannons and AA guns to prepare for further air attacks.

"Hey, where are the enemy planes?"

"Searching... no, we can't find it, sir."

"You piece of shit!"

The officer in charge snarled in disgust as he glared at the firing control board. Considering the situation, a kamikaze ace or something must have hit them. However, the state-of-the-art anti-aircraft radar did not even give a rough idea of the enemy plane's position. Yet another kamikaze must be vigilantly watching for an opportunity to enter the area.

Meanwhile, a Cleveland-class cruiser sailing next to the carrier began an intense anti-air barrage. The 6-inch and 5-inch guns, 12 guns each, fired a volley of shots into the dark night to the north-northeast. Following this, many other ships followed suit, firing shells everywhere.

"Oy, idiot, I'm on your side!'

The pilot of an F6F Hellcat in a night-fighting configuration yelled over the radio.

"Abort fire, abort fire!"

The startled air traffic controller immediately gave the announcement. But before the order to cease fire reached the end of the line, the voice turned into a garbled mess and was soon lost. It was not the kamikaze, but a friendly aircraft on a combat air patrol that had been shot down. Furthermore, looking over the horizon, a Fletcher-class destroyer was also on fire. It was a clear friendly fire, and after being hit by not one, but a dozen 5-inch shells, she was as good as a floating scrap of steel.

"What is this...?"

After a few minutes had passed and the chaos had somehow subsided, Vice Admiral Mitscher was shocked to see the devastation of the fleet he was leading. Every aircraft carrier within visual range, including his own, was burning. In particular, the converted cruiser USS Bataan was not likely to survive, as the entire ship was on fire. On top of that, two destroyers were about to sink due to misfires and collisions, and several night fighters were shot down by each other.

"My God..."

Mitscher subconsciously crossed his fingers. He had no choice.


Pacific Ocean: 200 km south of Iwo Jima

From his C-2EB, Captain Nakanishi watched the whole thing from the air. USFJ Super Hornets fired about 40 AGM-84J Harpoons 150 kilometers short of the fleet without any interference. The Harpoons plunged into their targets in high-altitude flight with no attempt to hide themselves, destroying the aviation capabilities of as many as 17 aircraft carriers of the past American fleet before they could comprehend anything of it. The shooter was guaranteed to hit and incapable of being retaliated. It was a one-sided shooting competition.

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