Chapter 102 - Overlord

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Washington, D.C.: White House

"Mister President, the war is over. We have won," came the joyful voice. Yes, the war was over.

Needless to say, it was a perfect victory. The brave soldiers of the powerful army and the Marines, following the invasion of Okinawa, fought fiercely and ultimately hoisted the American flag in Tokyo. Those who had ravaged the Pacific like a storm and had never let go of their weapons until the last man, were now surrendering in accordance with the captive Emperor's radio broadcast.

Of course, everyone who heard the news of the victory shared in the joy. Overwhelmed with emotion, men and women, even strangers in Times Square were embracing each other. That was the photo featured in Life magazine. Similar scenes could be seen on every street corner across the country, and the National Mall district that could be viewed from the White House was also a boiling pot where tens of thousands of people of all ages and genders, from ordinary workers to high-ranking bureaucrats, were equally ecstatic.

A few months later, the best soldiers who had taken up arms for freedom and democracy and never faltered in their deployment returned in triumph. Back in their hometowns, they would become good fathers, husbands, and lovers.

"We must establish a permanent order of peace to prevent another war from breaking out."

"Mister President, it is our duty to lead the devastated international community."

"I hear that former Secretary of State Hull will be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize."

The cabinet members beamed with smiles as they reported one after another. But for some reason, their expressions were blurred, and the moment President Truman noticed it, everything burst like a bubble. The world that was supposed to be there, the world that should have gone as it did until a certain day in March, crumbled away and the reality that jumped into his eyes was like a mirror image reversal.

'Haha, is that a daydream?'

The white marble monument that was supposed to be visible in front of him was no longer there, and the remains of marble and granite were scattered pathetically. It had been blown away in the bombing along with the Lincoln Memorial and the virtually non-functional Capitol Hill. In the heart of the ruined government district, only the White House still preserved its splendor, but it was undoubtedly a sign that it could be bombed at any time. Even if the government were to be relocated somewhere else, it would be a complete waste of effort.

"Mister President, it's time for you to return. It's dangerous."

"Uh, yes..."

At the aide's call, Truman nodded weakly.

A few weeks ago, he might have asked "Why Washington, D.C., is dangerous." But perhaps due to being worn down by the stagnant and clearly not improving battle situation, or perhaps feeling strongly that it was not even a competition, the mood today was listless and pessimistic, and Truman himself felt it strongly.

It was estimated that the number of casualties has already exceeded 5 million, and more domestic refugees were being created. Moreover, since these are only estimated figures and information cannot be obtained at all, there is a heavy burden of not being able to assess the damage.

"In addition, the Japanese army's speed of advance is abnormal," the aide spoke in a somewhat tired tone. "Since it is believed that Panama has fallen, we must consider the defense of the East Coast."

"Has God forsaken us?"


"Oh, no, it's nothing. Yes, that's definitely necessary."

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