Part 7: Great Eastern Expedition | Chapter 85

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Splendid Total War


Thank you for your patience. At last, we are entering Part 7!

- Kujaku Aoi


Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo: Prime Minister's Office

The invasion of the American mainland by the Self-Defense Forces was about to begin. Port Angeles, located in the northwestern part of the State of Washington, was chosen as the first landing site. With a good natural harbor facing the Strait of Juan de Fuca and an airstrip of just under 2.000 meters, the city must be a strategic point for the Seattle metropolitan area deep in the waters of Puget Sound.

Of course, the US military was aware of its strategic value and had deployed a regiment of troops there. However, the majority of the area has already been reduced to nothing more than a burnt wasteland. Tanks, field guns, and anti-aircraft guns have turned into molten slags before they can fire a single shot. The bay, protected by a long, narrow spit of sand, has been infiltrated by unmanned suicide minesweepers with the remaining guns firing to eliminate them, while offshore destroyers and fire support vessels were pounding those points of fire with a fine-tooth comb. The battle was being broadcasted to the nation's televisions through the eyes of an unmanned recon plane flying over the city.

"The landing on the American mainland is expected to begin shortly. It's now..." A reporter working hard on the deck of a destroyer anxiously reported.

She and her employer were doing something that would be out of the question in a normal war. But unfortunately, this was no ordinary war, and there was no need to consider the possibility of the broadcast content being leaked to the 20th-century world. The SDF and the government had also decided that it would contribute to raising the public's war spirits.

"Ah, the landing craft has just departed from the transport ship Kunisaki!"

"At last, the landing has begun," Muto said in a calm voice against the backdrop of reporters who could not distinguish between an amphibious vehicle and a hovercraft.

It was dawn there, but nighttime in Tokyo. He was still eating a set meal of katsudon in the office of the deputy director of the task force, but he imagined many of the people who had recently finished their somewhat improved dinners were in their living rooms listening to this news. After the success of Operation Jimmu, he can expect the same old life as before. A future where people can buy their favorite foods and side dishes at the supermarket and dine at restaurants. He was sure that everyone believes so.

"It's been a long road to get here... but I'm sure we've done it pretty quickly."

"I have no doubt about that."

Iida, the head of the Economic Affairs Division who had just arrived to report on the project, also responded to the same question as he ate his meal. "I am amazed that they were able to get this much in less than five months. More than half of the Self-Defense Forces personnel in their main duties, and a million units of temporary personnel and auxiliary units, are on their way to capture the West Coast and secure local resources."

"Wasn't it you who was the first to speak of an 'occupation of America'?"

"That's right, but I had no idea it would be an operation of this scale."

"Well, I didn't expect that plan to be adopted at first, either."

"Only in that sense, yes..."

Iida glanced at the katsudon set meal he was about to eat and thought again. He seemed to be reflecting on what had happened since the occurrence of the Time-Space Cataclysm, including hindsight. Not wanting to be distracted from his thoughts, Muto decided to enjoy the taste of his food for a while. After a minute or so, Iida's expression changed.

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