Chapter 20 - Debate

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Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo: Prime Minister's Office

Just after Muto finished eating his curry in the deputy director's office, which he had managed to concoct, he was visited by Ohashi, director of the National Security Bureau, and Iida, head of the Economic Affairs Division. The National Security Bureau's Economic Affairs Division ended up with everyone in the unit also serving as a member of the countermeasures bureau. Under the circumstances, it would be better to gather all those who are capable of domestic and international economic analysis in one place, consolidate information, and engage in discussions. The statistics on which to base their analysis have changed dramatically over the years, but that does not mean that the methods of analysis have changed. Regardless, Muto was curious about Ohashi's intention.

"Ohashi-san, Iida-san, what's this Occupation of America thing you're talking about?"

As soon as Muto finished his greeting, he asked the two men at the desk across from him in a whisper. Muto had received such a letter while he was busy with his appointment as Minister of State and other matters. It was so absurd that he even wondered if it was some kind of joke. But as far as Muto knows, neither Ohashi nor Iida are the kind of people who would joke around like that.

"I honestly can't figure out what you're trying to do."

"Iida-kun, please explain," Ohashi urged, with Iida quietly nodding in perfect equanimity.

"There may be some exaggeration. But the basics are still the same."

Muto was speechless at this reply. What the hell is he talking about?

But Iida stared at him with a serious, earnest expression. It was like a swordsman with his sword drawn, and Muto was convinced that he had to take him seriously.

"Muto-san, this is really the only way to go about it. Perhaps the task force has come to the same conclusion, but in this world of March 1945, natural gas is hardly used. Crude oil is also produced only about twice as much as Japan's demand. And two-thirds of it is concentrated in the United States, especially around Texas... this is the undeniable reality of this world."

"We have a general idea of the number and distribution here. But isn't it a bit of a stretch to suddenly say that the US must be occupied? How do you propose to occupy a large country on the other side of the Pacific? Huh?"

"In a sense, the Occupation of America is a figure of speech. It means that the United States, which has just forced Japan and Germany to surrender unconditionally and is about to assume postwar hegemony, would never agree to provide Japan with the necessary amount without occupying the country or causing damage equivalent to occupation, or threatening to do so in a way that would make the possibility of such a situation real. Even if it were 200 million kiloliters, or even half that amount, 100 million kiloliters, it would be such a serious and difficult decision. It would be like accepting the Potsdam Declaration, if you will."

"So, what do you mean is to at the very least occupy the West Coast or drop a nuclear weapon on Washington, D.C.?" Muto asked with a furrowed brow.

For a moment, he thought that the latter might be a good idea, especially in relation to the Tokyo Air Raid, but he dismissed the idea because he was in a position to do so. In fact, Japan doesn't have nuclear weapons. It has a large stockpile of nuclear materials, and it has been said that Japan is ready to arm itself with nuclear weapons, but even a primitive gun barrel-type uranium atomic bomb would take less than six months to produce. No, but... the US should have nuclear weapons by then. This is not good if they don't do something about it as soon as possible.

"What the hell... this is not an Aritsune Toyota novel."

"I believe it was the latter pattern... in which leaflets warning of the use of nuclear weapons are scattered from the sky, and then nuclear weapons are dropped on Washington, D.C., which is now uninhabited after the residents have evacuated."

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