Chapter 116 - Scenery of the Occupation

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Near Montgomery, Alabama: the countryside

"Look, the fight ain't over yet," a roughneck who called himself an Army lieutenant exclaimed in front of the assembly hall.

Responding to him were former Army officers and soldiers, remaining German volunteer soldiers, and even local makeshift militias and ruffians, including a strange "Aryan Negro" with face powder or something smeared on his face. Their backgrounds were so diverse that it was difficult to understand, but it goes without saying that they were all lawless, and to make matters worse, they were armed.

"We don't know when those Jap scoundrels and their lackeys will attack, or when those lazy Negroes will start a riot. So why the hell can't you cooperate?"

"That's right. Our freedom and independence are at stake."

"But even if you say that, there's hardly any food left," the pale-faced village chief stammered.

In reality, he had similar feelings. The future Japan had come and turned the war upside down, even capturing Washington, D.C., but it must have been a complete lie, such as a propaganda broadcast of defeat.

But regardless of the truth, they couldn't give what they didn't have. The cotton fields spread out in front of them, with large cotton balls abundantly ripening, but none of them were harvested properly. The logistics and communication were in chaos, and there was no business to be made, so they couldn't even buy wheat with dollar bills. The cotton seeds were poisonous and unsuitable for food, originally cultivated as a crop for manual laborers next to the fields, and they were barely making ends meet.

"We only have things like soybeans left."

"What, are you kidding me!?" the self-proclaimed lieutenant threatened, and a rifle was fired in response.

Even the sheriff, who would normally respond immediately, remained silent, overwhelmed by the outnumbered opponents.

"Seems like it's your hobby to feed slaves to proud warriors."

"T-that's not true..."

"Then hurry up and bring some bread. If you don't, I'll smash your head like a watermelon—"

As if the words had come true, only the self-proclaimed lieutenant's head was gone. By the time the gunshots were heard, the skulls of the thugs had already exploded.

"E-enemy attack!"

The thugs screamed and scattered, trying to fight back, but it was in vain. One after another fell to the strange precise shooting, and blood and brain matter were scattered on the ground. About 100 people were wiped out in an instant, and without understanding what had happened, the village chief collapsed on the spot.

"We are the United Nations forces. We are conducting peacekeeping operations at the request of the federal government."

A difficult-to-articulate English broadcast with an eerie atmosphere rang out for a while. Then something with a sickly white body that could hardly be considered human burned into their eyes. The grotesque figure sitting in the driver's seat of the combat vehicle that seemed to have swept away the thugs waved its hand with a deranged smile, its left and right eyes glowing monotonous red and blue. Occasionally, its head would move up and down, as if it were trampling on corpses, but its expression remained unchanged.

"We have completed the eradication of armed groups. Please rest assured."


Appearing in front of the assembly hall and advertising without moving his mouth, the village chief responded while wetting himself. Immediately after, he realized that something else warm was wetting him. The head of the adjacent security guard had also disappeared. Somewhere on the Gulf of Mexico, remote combat personnel were carelessly processing it as a "single accidental shot," but they had no way of knowing that fact.

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