Chapter 45 - Unknown Front

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Pacific Ocean: off the Biak Islands

It was said that recently a convoy of transports sailing in the western Pacific was being destroyed one after another. Without warning, mysterious high-speed flying objects appeared and unilaterally sank transports and escort carriers. It was hard to believe at first glance, but Lieutenant Commander Balch, a destroyer commander, had a hunch that it must be true.

He knew it had to be true, because he had witnessed the exact same thing. In the early morning of March 16, a fireball suddenly appeared on the horizon. It flew just above the surface of the sea at a furious speed, leaped upon the aircraft carrier Langley as if it were a living creature, and wrecked the flight deck and hangar. The Langley suffered a huge fire caused by the gasoline tanks, and was ordered to scuttle within a few hours of being hit. They wondered if they had stepped into the range of such a fearsome weapon. The thought of it was unsettling.

"I guess we have only four days to go," the XO, who had only just arrived at his post, said in a disquieting tone. "We have four days until we arrive at our destination, Manila."

"Look at that, XO."

Balch pointed to a ship sailing about half a mile ahead on the port side. It was a new Victory ship.

"Apparently, the Japs' new rockets are intelligent. Rumor has it that they are using conditioned rats as guidance systems."

"I don't think something that ridiculous is possible..."

"I think it's absurd, too. But the reality is that the Langley has sunk. The rockets with intelligence are said to aim at aircraft carriers and transport ships. If that's the case, we'll be fine as long as that ship is still there."

"If the transports are sunk, will the military and the United States be okay...?"

"I don't know. But, as they say, life is precious."

Inwardly, Balch laughed, feigning a good-natured air, even though he knew that the XO is right. Even if it is based on the sacrifice of allies, it is better than being disheartened and depressed. Besides, in fact, the voyage from the Admiralty Islands to here is going well. Perhaps the training of intelligent rats is quite difficult and there are not enough of the—

"Enemy aircraft on the starboard horizon! Approaching fast!"

"All hands to battle stations! Fire all weapons!"

Balch immediately issued an order upon receiving the report from the lookout. They were coming, he was sure of it: vicious rockets that could fly 10 miles in less than a minute. To block their rapid advance, all kinds of gunfire, including 5-inch guns and 40 mm autocannons, were concentrated. However, the rockets were too small and fast to be targeted, and they were flying just above the sea surface. There was no way to fight them.

"Dammit!" Balch cursed.

The rocket's trajectory was a sickle-shaped one, and it plunged into the blue sky toward its prey. To port, the Victory ship, which was supposed to be carrying a large contingent of soldiers, had turned into a giant offshore killing oven.


Sibuyan Sea: off Panay Island

Captain Hayao Miura of the heavy cruiser Ashigara initially doubted the sanity of Rear Admiral Fukudome, commander of the 10th Area Fleet. Fukudome, who had returned to the interior, announced upon his return to Shonan that he would conduct a convoy attack with the remaining forces. The newly formed air units had achieved great success in the Marianas and Philippines, and he intended to take the advantage of this opportunity to deal a blow to the Americans.

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