Part 3: Operation Peace Maker | Chapter 26

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Iwo Jima: Iwo Jima Air Base

Since the time-space cataclysm, the island had become cramped. Hyakuri's 3rd Tactical Fighter Squadron, which had conducted the counterattack against Mariana, remained deployed, and patrol aircraft were coming down to refuel and recuperate. Transport planes were busy unloading supplies, maintenance crews, and anti-aircraft units, and even Ground Self-Defense Force Ospreys have been deployed in preparation for landing operations. Furthermore, a Maritime Self-Defense Force tanker is scheduled to arrive in a few hours, so there is a lot of work to be done. But as for the United States Forces Japan, they had no choice but to treat them as if they were touching something swollen.

"Hey, how should we treat them?" Captain Makoto Kawagoe, an F-2A pilot, asked over a hamburger steak lunch in the mess hall.

Captain Kubota could not answer this question. He couldn't come up with any good ideas, nor did he think there was anyone in the world who could give him an answer.

"It's difficult... like usual," Kubota only said that and moved his gaze a bit.

The Americans, who looked good devouring steaks and fries and guzzling Coke, were all huddled at the end of the cafeteria, looking like a bunch of stale Cola.

"I'd like to cheer them up somehow..."

"Even if we did that... we've already killed over 100 Americans from this era."

"No, it can't be helped."

A man spoke in stilted and raspy Japanese. Before he knew it, a tall Irishman stood behind him like a ninja.

He was Lieutenant Thomas Fanning of the Navy's Strike Fighter Squadron 27, flying an F/A-18E Super Hornet. He and Kubota occasionally go mountain climbing together, and he will probably be one of the men who will launch a missile attack on an aircraft carrier manned by his ancestors tomorrow around dawn.

"Now that we're in a war, it's only natural that we'll fight... here, right?"

Kubota and Kawagoe silently nodded in affirmation.

Fanning smiled like a welded mask and sat down next to Kubota. He then took a good bite of the plate of ribeye, but he couldn't help but look like he was straining.

"But the war has to stop soon... or everyone will be unhappy."


"There is no reason to go to war with the States of this era or Japan today. We want peace."

Fanning paused for a moment and drank his coke.

"So please pray for the success of Operation Peace."

"OK, Tom, do your best!" Kubota said as if it were a conditioned reflex.

In this case, the best would be to render the aircraft carriers inoperable with minimal human casualties, and Fanning's expression seemed a little more natural. However, even if this is really the only way to go, it is too much to ask that a mission bearing the name of "peace" should consist of a friendly fire fight.


Nerima Ward, Tokyo: Camp Asaka

"Contact from Landing Ship Division 1. The 1st Tank Company of the Western Army Tank Unit has been contained."

"Mm-hmm. Everything is going well."

Lieutenant General Shogo Himuro, commander of the Ground Component Command and commander of the Joint Task Force for Operation "Maker," was satisfied with the report. It was the result of successful study and preparation in advance. On the day after the announcement of the time-space cataclysm, he received orders from the Minister of Defense to study the landing on the Pacific Islands, and as a result, the various units were able to move smoothly.

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