Chapter 104 - Unrealistic Reality and Its Impact

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Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture: Apartment

"Oh, looks like they're here."

Web writer Ono muttered to himself while gnawing on a distributed fish sausage in his workroom.

On the desktop screen was a live broadcast, with the relay location being Haneda Airport. The C-1 transport plane, which had returned from Manchuria carrying diplomatic envoys from the various countries that had effectively entered into a ceasefire, had just landed on the runway.

"Welcome, everyone from the previous century, to the 21st century!"

"Don't take it easy and keep moving!"

"First of all, we need oil, coal, and food, so chop chop."

Comments like these flowed like a torrent, and while there were a few frivolous ones, overall the atmosphere wasn't particularly hostile. While there were still some who didn't know that Japan had been at war with countries like Britain, the Soviet Union, and France, the fact was that Japan had not been directly attacked by these countries, so the impression was quite weak.

It was rumored that due to various incidents in history, there was a proposal to physically remove the Soviet Communist Party. However, whether it was the tragedy of being held captive in Siberia or the firebombing invasion, it was nothing more than history for most Japanese citizens. Moreover, in this world, they had detected it months ago, preemptively and unilaterally crushed their military power, and even sealed their nuclear and rocket capabilities, so there was no longer any communist threat. What should be given top priority now was undoubtedly to return to normal life, as promised by the government. If it was necessary to force the supply of fossil fuels and food, it didn't matter who the opponent was, whether they were evil communists or not.

'Actually, I'm getting a bit bored with this... but, oh, wasn't it complicated?'

Chewing on the fish sausage, Ono recalled various things. Many innocent people were delighted to resume the import of meat, and he was one of them. However, the problem was that the exporting countries were various nations from 1945. He had heard from those involved that it would be nothing but poor quality control products that would be unacceptable to the modern palate. In short, it was a repetition of the same mistakes with foreign-produced and Manchurian-produced products, and he couldn't help but feel the accumulation of various things just from that. Also, due to concerns about feed shortages, domestic livestock farmers had significantly reduced the number of livestock, and it would take time to recover. While processed foods were one thing, the age where one could eat a delicious beef steak at a reasonable price was still far away.

"Anyway, I guess we're moving in a good direction, probably."

Reminding himself, he returned his attention to the live feed. Just as the diplomatic envoy landed from the C-1, the gentlemen dressed as if they were from a black and white movie were the first from the Allied side to witness the Time-Space Cataclysm and, as usual, were struck by panic. Ono laughed heartily as he savored the fish sausage, watching the scene along with many viewers.


Ota Ward, Tokyo: Hotel adjacent to Haneda Airport Terminal

Among those who landed at Haneda Airport was also Major General Menzies, the head of the Secret Intelligence Service.

He, too, was stunned and speechless by the sheer shock of it all. He had predicted that the Japanese of the future would intervene in this war, but it was far beyond his expectations that the entire future Japan would come to this era. Dr. Dale of the Royal Society had conducted similar hypothetical exercises, but they were purely fanciful and unscientific research, and he had no idea why they had become a reality. To be honest, he felt like cursing God. If this was the work of God, it could only be described as a diabolical feat resulting from dubious medicine that had caused omniscience and omnipotence to boil over.

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