Lost prince

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   "We arrive at the village Duke" announced Sir Minard. He was the right hand man of the duke. He was quite the strict and serious one but he was kind, kinda.

Unlike the usual setting of the three. Knox was the one who get out of the carriage first. Although it was considered quite rude for some people Knox doesn't mind.

After all, the duke spread a rumor that i was raise in an orphanage and was only started learning basic etiquette.

"Good afternoon young master" greet Sir Minard coldly. Knox just nod then pick up Rosh who get out the carriage just now.

"Where are we staying Sir Minard?" Ask Knox. The man didn't reply and just guide the kid in the inn they will spend their night.

"This is your room young master. Next to you was the room where the duke's stay." I know, the duke already told me.

"If you need help ask sir Ben. He will be the one guarding you tonight" After saying what he needed to say the man left Knox immediately. So cold.

Anyway im much favor with any other knight guarding me than that cold as fuck zombie man. Especially tonight.

Knox open the window of his room and look down. Great! Not to high for me to get down. Now the only problem is the knights guarding the inn.

I should wait for night time. For sure those knight will have a drink at the inn lobby. After all, this place is known for their alcohol.

Now let's review the plan first. Knox search his pocket and draw a piece of paper. He sit in the study table and start unfolding the paper.

He then draw out a pen in his pocket and start writing at the paper. I'm inside the carriage all the time since the day we departed so i can't formulate any plan.

I could formulate any plan this past few days because I've been stuck inside the carriage along with the Duke.

But that's okay, especially now that a big miracle have fallen into me .

If i just succeed on doing this, the time that will be needed for me to finally get out of this damn kingdom will be shorten greatly.

I just need to nailed this and my master plan to escape this hell will be not a distant dream anymore.

      "I'm quite tired, so will retire early for today your grace" Knox said as he put down his silverware and started wiping his mouth.

"If you feel like it, you may" Answer the duke who wasn't done eating yet. Knox just nod then make his way to the stairs, up to his room.

"Glad he didn't suspect anything" Knox mumble to himself as he shut the door of his room.

That old geezer have been keeping an eye on me for the past days. Although it seems that he give up now.

"Rosh make sure you don't fall asleep later. I will starve you for days if you do" Threaten the boy as he started undressing to change his clothes as soon as he closes the door..

Rosh who was taking a nap at the corner wake up and glare at boy.

I know you brat!!.

"Come on! Don't look at me like that! You know i need you herr to activate the spell" Said the boy as he fix his shirt.

tsk! How i wish that knight outside hear what you have just said so that you can't go.

Thought Rosh as he watch the boy fixing his clothes

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