Uprising 2

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"Oh your here" Muttered Harlan as Knox enter his workshop. It's been a few days since they last saw each other and the boy rarely goes up the workshop too unless it was something important.

"Yes, just getting some fresh air" Knox excuse as he room his eyes around the workshop.

Along with Harlan there are atleast ten more artisan working inside. All a citizen of Belvon whom passed Harlan's inspection when he hired for workers that will help him made new pieces of jewelry.

Upon discovering Knox presence all of the remaining artisan stand up to greet Knox which he replied with a soft smile.

"Such excuse won't work on me little man" Reply Harlan as he chuckled. Knox also chuckled before he approached Harlan who's working table was at the farthest.

"Well that's not fair" Knox replied jokingly as he start rummaging under his vest to hand Harlan something.

Harlan was confused but he remained silent until Knox handed him the an opened letter.

He proceed on opening it and reading the letter inside. He was silence the whole time as he read through the two page letter.

"Let's talk about this outside" Harlan muttered as he slid the letter back to the envelope before handing it to Knox.

"Surely" Knox answered as he slid back the letter underneath his vest and was the first one to walk towards the door.

Harlan also followed after. The two walk quite a few far from the workshop until they reach a certain big rock beside a not so small oak tree.

"I'll be honest with you child. I don't like this plan of yours" Harlan immediately said after they arrived at shade of the tree.

"I know, that's why im consulting you first" Knox replied not bating an eye to his side where Harlan was standing.

"That won't change the fact that you are deliberately risking a child's life. To be honest i don't care as that child you are bringing was the seed of that traitor but i won't go that low to avenge my family by hurting a mere child who was probably not even born yet when that tragedy happened" Argue Harlan in a serious tone of voice. Yet you can feel the anger, agony, and disappointment in every words that he utter.

He angry by the mention of the man that ruined his life and that a possible child of his was to join them. He was in agony because the discussion reminds him of what he have lost and was disappointed that this boy whom he start looking up to would go this low.

Yes , his anger was still there. Still flaming and engulfing him pieces by pieces. Yes, he hopes for the worse to happened to his enemy but his beliefs couldn't go that deep that he too would hurt a child to satisfy his anger.

Harlan might dispises the Viscount all his heart but he value life more that anything. Especially if the life in talking has no relation to what had happened.

"Your right, this plan is sickening. It was horrendous, absurd, and dangerous. And that's why i was giving this decision to you" Knox said.

"You are the most affected one by this series of events. Your tragedy was the basis of this changes. So wouldn't it be you who should make the decision?" Added Knox.

"I'm not pushing you to decide immediately Harlan. Benjamin will now regularly sent you a letter regarding the boy's situation before they reach Belvon. Until then you can take all your time wether to use him or not" Knox lastly said before he turn around and start walking away. Leaving Harlan standing there as the setting sun rays hit his face.

               "How's life?" Rosh jokingly said as he appears from Knox side through teleporting that resulted to some documents flying off the table because of the sudden gust of wind.

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