Wandering knight

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"Your doing it wrong again! I told you focus on your feet ! Put pressure on it!!" Shouted Sir Caine as he hit Knox leg with a stick.

The young boy didn't flinch or cry in pain like a usual kid reaction when they got hit. Instead he fix his footing just like what the man commanded.

Sir Caine have been teaching Knox for a couple of months already, and he must admit that he was amaze by Knox fast adaptation and eagerness to learn.

Although it was clear that the young boy was much more destined to something else than holding a sword.

For the past months that Sir Caine was mentoring Knox he notice that the boy was more proper to be a letter man than a swordman.

The young boy was much more good at handling people and papers than holding a sword so he was been thinking for a while why the boy was so eager to learn swordmanship.

He first thought it was because of the Duke but he can sense that the boy decided it mostly on his own.

"I won't be able to mentor you for tomorrow or another day. I need to report to the church, so you better not slack off while i'm gone" Remind Sir Caine as he arrange the Swords on the rack.

"Don't worry, i will not slack off" Answer Knox as he stand up and fix his clothes, ready to leave.

The man didn't answer back as his eyes accidentally look at the dagger on the boy's hip hanging. His thoughts about it came back again as he averted his gaze in order to avoid Knox to caught him looking at it.

Another thing that Sir Caine notice about the young boy was that be always carry this old dagger with him any where.

He wants to ask the boy about it but he doesn't want to be branded as a gossip.

It was probably for protection

Muttered the man to his self as he watch the young boy walk further away.

But another thought came after another as he mind began to wonder on the black pup who is always with the young Knox.

That child's choose of pet is also strange

He added as the thought of the black dog appear on his mind.

Unlike any other dog, that dog  usually just sleep and doesn't give much attention to anything.  That black pup was also clever for it's age .

But without concrete evidence Sir Caine just decided to brush it off.

Well they say birds with the same feather flocks together

He muttered to his self as he shrug of his 'strange' thoughts .

"Sir Caine, the carriage is ready" The man only  goes back to reality when  a servant approach him about the carriage that he will use.

"I get going then" Answer Sir Caine as he glance at the path which the boy took before finally turning his back to leave.

  "Your doing great, now try focusing your mana to flow in your hand to help create it more stable" Teach Rosh as he watch the boy sweating heavily as he try to control the fire bird to attack the floating target.

"Ugh!" Groan the boy as he couldn't handle it anymore. He was panting and sweating heavily as if he just go for a mile run.

"Looks like you reach your limit" Muttered Rosh as he let of the spell that was keeping the target object floating in mid air.

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