Mingzhu's heart squeezed for a while, her red and acidic eye sockets were slightly moist. She gritted her teeth silently, her lips and teeth trembled, and she couldn't say anything for a long while. She was not good at lying to people at first, and she was reluctant to lie in front of Zhao Shi, and she couldn't really tell Wei Chiyu a word of lie.

Mingzhu, who was in the early days of love, had a vague fondness for Wei Chiyu, and felt that this brother was very good-looking, had a good heart, and worked hard. She was not uncomfortable to get along with him, on the contrary, she was happy. But even at that time, Mingzhu more often regarded Wei Chiyu as a savior to escape from the Ming family, and wanted to get out of the days when he was being bullied by the elder sister of the Ming family by marrying.

So at that time, Mingzhu's feelings for Wei Chiyu were not pure, and now they are ashamed of him.

Mingzhu was silent for a long time, Wei Chiyu waited patiently and looked at her quietly without urging her.

Mingzhu raised her head, and tolerated the moist waves in her eye sockets. In fact, in her previous life, before Zhao Shi gave her poisonous wine, she knew that she had fallen in love with Zhao Shi. After years of getting along, the meticulous details, those good, those tender, those seemingly genuine likes, made her emotional.

Although she has only now figured out that she is good to a person, but she doesn't necessarily like it much.

Mingzhu's nails plunged deeply into the soft flesh of her palm, and she pinched out a few nail prints. Only when she felt painful could she nod her head inwardly.

She could shake her head, or use Wei Chi to take her away, but Mingzhu didn't want to be so selfish to inflict him on him.

Her life has been like this. Wei Chiyu still has a good career career, and he will rise to the top in the court in the future.

Mingzhus purse contained the jade bracelet he once gave her. She took out the jade bracelet, "I will return this bracelet to you."

Wei Chiyu took a few steps forward, and the patter of rain water came to his shoulder from the corner of the eaves. He stepped on the rain and walked in front of her, "It is yours for you."

"I can't ask for it."

"You give it back to me, and I will only smash the bracelet."

"This is what your mother left for you..."

"Not for me, but for you."

Wei Chiyu couldn't remember how long he hadn't seen her so well. When the Ming family came to divorce, he had just returned from buying chestnut cakes, holding the hot chestnut cakes, and was going to deliver them to her through the back door. But he was still on the way back, and the young man at home hurriedly found him and said that the Ming family was going to divorce.

The chestnut cake he was holding fell on the ground, and even if he drove back as fast as he could, it was too late.

The Ming family's attitude is extremely tough, "We Ming family will return the bride price to you twice. You have never had this marriage."

Wei Chi Yuhong reasoned with them, "I really want to marry Zhuzhu, and I will never let her down. If your Ming family wants to divorce, please give me a persuasive reason, or forgive me Wei. Can not accept."

"There is no reason. If you don't retreat this marriage, you have to retreat."

After that day, Wei Chiyu never saw his beads again.

This year and a half, Wei Chiyu could always hear her crying to herself in her dreams. She was wearing a beautiful dress that she dared not wear at home. Her eyes were redder than rabbits, and her face was full of tears. He asked why he didn't bring them. She's going?

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