Chapter 5- I hate your guts

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I walked down the front steps. My head was hurting and I was sleep deprived. As my foot hit the ground, someone took my backpack off of my shoulder.

"Morning,"Flynn smiled at me holding my bag in his hand.

"What are you-"

"Come on,"he held my hand, and again, I yanked it away from him. "Sorry...,"he started crossing the street.

I followed him. "Why are you taking my bag?"

"We're going to school together,"he threw the bag on the back seat of the car.


He opened door for me. "I spoke to your mom this morning, while you were showering and we agreed that I would take care of you ....until you get better."

"I've never been better,"I faked a smile,"I'm fine. I can walk."

"Wow. Most girls would jump at the opportunity to be taken care of by me."

"Well, I'm not most girls."

"Just get in the car."

I sighed and got in.

*  *  *

I kept my eyes outside, hoping Flynn wouldn't decide to talk. He had no music playing, which made  it awkward. I looked at my watch. We were running late, because Flynn had to stop for breakfast.

"Uhm..,"I looked at him,"Can't you go a little faster?"

"What?,"he chuckled,"Are you afraid of being late?"

"I'm not afraid. I just don't want to have two late days in one month,"I put my hand on my head, and looked out the window.

"Alright,"he laughed. "I'll go faster for you,"he bit his lip and looked at me.

I shook my head at him. "Disgusting."

He sped up faster than the speed limit, racing through about three green lights. For a small town, with only a few cars on the road, anything was possible.

I held unto the handle above me. "Not that fast!,"I shouted, looking at the road. "I don't want to end up in any accidents today."

"There aren't many cars on the road. Calm down."

We pulled up to a red light.

He looked left, then right. "Screw it." He ran the light like it was nothing.

"You've got to be kidding me,"I looked at him.

He laughed and kept driving full speed.

My chest began to feel tight and cloudy. I was having an asthma attack. And to make it much worse, the police was driving behind us.

Flynn was so calm. He slowly pulled up to the sidewalk.

I leaned over to the back of the car and grabbed my bag.

He laughed,"Are you gonna hide the drugs or should I?"

"That's *gasp* not funny." I pulled my asthma puffer out of the front pocket of my bag, and stuck it in my mouth.

Flynn suddenly seemed embarrassed and concerned.

The police officer walked over to the car. "Do you know why I pulled you went ov- Flynn?,"the officer lifted his shades.

"Hey Robert,"Flynn gave him a fist bump.

"What's up, bruh'?"

"Just on my way to school."

"With that amount of speed?"

"Yeah, and I would've gone faster if you hadn't pull me over."

The officer laughed. "I have never seem you so enthusiastic about school."

"I'm not. But she wants to be early,"he looked at me.

"New girlfriend?"

I was about to say something, but as usual, I was cut off.

"Nah, I uh-,"Flynn looked at the officer.

"No need to explain. Your girlfriend will never know about this. Besides, she's hot."

"Hot yet NOT single,"I squinted at him then grabbed Flynn's arm,"Now, can we go please?"

"Sure,"Flynn smiled at me.

He said his good byes to the officer and then we drove off again.

I adjusted the seat, so that I could lay back. "My head hurts so bad now."

"Uh...,"Flynn squeezed the stirring wheel anxiously,"I thought you got over your asthma?"

"Well, you can clearly see that I haven't- Now, please, if you really want to "take care" of me, shut up and drive."

*  *  *

As soon as Flynn parked the car, I grabbed my bag and got out.

"Harley!,"he shouted getting out of the car and running after me.

"What?,"I turned around and looked at him.

"Are you okay?,"he stood in front of me.

"Yes, I'm fine,"I started walking away.

"Then why are you running off like this?,"he caught up to me.

"First reason, we're late. Second reason, you're a maniac, third, I don't wanna be seen with you."


"Because I have a boyfriend and I hate your guts,"I fixed my bag strap and walked off.

I didn't look back but I could tell he was offended. He just stood in silence. I was not the apologizing type so I kept walking.

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