Chapter 41- Girl Stuff

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Just treating you guys, especially @BurnetteBound, with the last chapter for the night. Enjoy ^.^

After stuffing our faces and watching three episodes of Law and Order (the show that made me cry a lot as a kid), Flynn laid down on my lap and faced me.

"I'm so full right now," he chuckled. "It hurts when I laugh."

I giggled. "When someone dares you to eat one third of a cake, you can say no."

"The cake looked small. And how are you so comfortable. We both ate the same amount."

"Because I have two stomachs. One for regular stuff and one for cake..Oh and the other for pizza."

He laughed,"That's three. You're really crazy,"he smiled. "When's your dad coming home?"

"Oh, he works nights sometimes, so he isn't coming home till eight."

"Guys,"my mom walked into the living room. "You've got school tomorrow. Flynn, it's late, you should go."

"You're right, Mrs. Branson,"he sat up. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay Harley?"


"Don't forget to wait for me."

"Wait for you?"

"Sorry,"my mom smiled,"I forgot to tell you. You're taking him to school tomorrow."

"You're my chaffeur, now,"he winked, then stood up. "I'll see you in the morning." He walked out the door.

* * *

I sat in the car waiting for Flynn. My car smelled like cheesecake because my mom gave me an air freshener.
"It smell like death in here,"she said fanning her nose.
Of course it smelled like death. Fluffy the hamster died in the car and was never found.

Flynn stood by the door.

"It's unlocked,"I rolled down his window.

The dummy just stood there.

"Get in."

"Aren't you gonna be a gentleman and open my door for me?,"he smiled.

I held in my laugh. "Flynn, we don't have all day."

"Chivalry is dead." He chuckled and got in. "Uhm,"he furrowed his brows at me. "See anything weird here?"

I looked at him. "You shaved that stubble that was growing on your face."

"No..Well..yeah, but my knees are against the dashboard. You're in a family of midgets."

"Just fix the chair to accommodate your legs,"I shook my head.

He quickly adjusted the seat. "Are you..okay?"

"Yeah..,"I looked at him. "I'm..I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah,"I started the car.

"I hope I'm not the problem."

"You're not. It's just..girl stuff."

"You're period?"

"Why do you have to assume it's my period just because I said girl stuff?"

He tilted his head.

"'s my period."

"You know you could've just said it. Some guys aren't immature about those things."

"You know you caused it to come this early."

"How would I- Am I Mother Nature?"

"No, but you made me excited. You went to the hospital because of me."

"Well, when I hit you in the head with the bat, my period came three days early too,"he smiled.

I sank in my seat and then laughed. "You're really stupid Flynn."

"I know. That's why you like me. Do you wanna stop for anything? Like chocolate?"

"Why do you assume that because I'm on my period that I want chocolate?"

He shook his head.

"Let's go get that chocolate." We drove off.

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