Chapter 108- Marley for prom

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"What!,"I shouted at the phone. "Are you freakin' kidding me Hayden?"

"I wasn't going to at first but when I got to the door she looked so sad. I just..asked her-"

"Well I asked your girlfriend."

"To go with you?"

"No, dumbass. To go with you."

"And what did she say?"

"That she'll think about it. You need to tell Lola that you're taking your girlfriend to prom."

"How am I supposed to do that?"

"By telling her that your girlfriend's better and that you're taking her to prom instead. Lola's smart. She'll understand."

He got quiet. "Okay...I'll tell her tomorrow."

"Tomorrow's Saturday."

"I know. I'll go to her house tomorrow."

* * *

I walked down the steps with my phone to my ear. "See you there." I shut it off and opened the car door.

"Hey,"Flynn walked across the street. "Where are you going?"

"Prom shopping."

"Okay, what's our theme?"

"What's our theme?"

He smiled. "I was going to do a big drawing of the both of us and write the words will you go to prom with me on it but since you're going shopping for a dress-"

"I'm not going shopping for me,"I giggled. "I'm helping May and Zoe. But....I wanna go to prom with you,"I grinned.

He put his hands on my cheeks and kissed me. "I love you."

"I love you too. Got to go." I got into the car. "Oh and the theme is black."

He shook his head.

I drove off.

* * *

I sat on a bench with May waiting for Zoe to get to the mall.

"She better show up because she's the reason I left my room,"May slouched and folded her arms.

I looked away. Then I started feeling bad. "Hey..uhm,"I looked at her. "I made something that I shouldn't have and I think you should know."

She sat up and looked at me.

"Do you know Lola?"

"I can't put a face to the name. What is it?"

"She's doing some stupid vlog about Flynn and....we're trying to expose her for being a fraud-"

"So your FBI now?,"she giggled but I didn't smile.

"She's into Hayden."

Her smiled wiped off.

"I made him act like he liked her so we could get to her through him. Yesterday he was in her room-"


"Not like what you're thinking. He helped her try on a few dresses-"

"God Harley, do you ever just give up?"

"She tried them on in the bathroom-"

"Like that makes it better."

"He...thought you weren't going to he asked her to prom."

She frowned.

"But he's going to call it off today-"

"It's fine. I was going to turn him down anyway."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not going to just show up for prom. I'm like Satan in school anyway."

"Actually Flynn is. Thanks to Lola, everyone sees him as a murderer..and you as a saint."

"....And you want that to change of course. Because you'd rather I suffer-"

"You're the one who deserves it.....I mean...Flynn didn't do anything but try to stop her."

"I made her do it."

" didn't. Suicide is a choice."

"But by telling her to do it I put the noose around her neck."

I sighed. "I think you need to pick yourself up and come to prom. Because you're basically killing yourself by not being there. I don't care how much we're fighting. You're the girl I became friends with when I got here, and you're going to be the girl I leave with. May, will you go to prom with me?"

She smiled. "Of course I will."

I smiled back.

"Did you just ask May to prom?,"Zoe pointed at us both with furrowed brows.

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