Chapter 51- Brandy, What's good

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After doing a bunch of cartwheel and stretches on my front lawn, I sat down on the stairs with a bottle of water.
Flynn walked out of the house with a full trash bag in his hand. He shook his head at me then put the bag in the trash.

I wasn't backing down, as much as he wanted me too. I always made fun of those girls when underneath I knew I could be one them. This was my chance to show everyone who said I couldn't that I could.

Heather's car pulled up and Eva waved at me. She quickly got out the car snd came running. "Hey,"she grinned,"how's practice going for you?"

"Fine. How'd you know?,"I sipped my bottle.

"Megan told me."

"Megan?,"I raised my brows at her.

"Yeah, we're total BFFs now."

I rolled my eyes. Megan was total BFFs with anyone who could make her more popular than she already was. I looked over at Flynn.

He was staring at me with furrowed brows.

"Flynn's upset that you're trying out, isn't he?"


"Once when our school played against yours, he walked off the field during a game to stop Heather from dancing."


"Call it what you want. What these girls do is not that."

"Well I've never been to a game so I wouldn't know."

"Flynn's just looking out for you. He likes you you know."

I know.

"Go do a flip for me,"Eva giggled.

I smiled and walked over the grass. I quickly did a cartwheel. I wasn't doing it for Eva. I was doing it to piss Flynn off.

Eva started clapping.

He shook his head. Heather held his cheeks and turned his face towards her.

I giggled and did another flip.

* * *

I walked down the hallway with my bag on my shoulder. I wore a pair of white sneakers, red shorts and a white vest. Flynn was walking behind me.

"Don't waste your time trying to make me back out,"I turned my face to the side, looking at him by the corner of my eye.

"I'm actually coming to make sure you mess up at some point."

"Well, all I have to do is copy Megan and everything will be fine."

He started laughing.

"What's so funny?,"I looked at him.

"You should really read things before you sign em'. It's individual tryouts. You had to make something up."

"Oh..,"I froze. "Well I guess I have to improvise,"I started walking again.

"How are you so calm about this?"

"Because I told you before. I'm doing this to enjoy myself. Besides, I already have a dance routine May and I made when were fifteen. Just gotta do a little editing and I'll be fine." I pushed the basketball court doors open and joined the line.

Flynn walked over to the bleachers and sat with one of his friends.

* * *

I walked to the center of the court.

"Go Harley!,"May shouted.

I shook my head.

The music started playing and I quickly started dancing. I started swaying my hips to the beat. The advantage of having Indian blood in my veins. I don't wanna get into the details of the crap that I displayed on the court. Let's just say it was a mixture of break dancing, high kicks, flips and clapping. That was one of the girliest moments I had ever had...and they liked it.

Even Flynn looked suprised.

I smiled at Megan trying to hide how out of breath I was.

They were clapping, except for her.

"Thank you, Harley,"Megan smiled but it didn't seem happy. "Next!"

I walked over to Flynn. "How was it?"

"I told you you would get in,"he jumped down from the bleachers. "I can't lie, that was awesome....but I still don't want you with those girls."

I looked at Flynn. "If I get it-"

"Which you will."

"....I'll spend a day. See what you want me to stay away from and then get out."

"Harley, you're going to upset them if you do that. They just lost a cheerleader. If you back out-"

"To bad for them."

"You're insane."

"I know."

* * *

I sat on the bleachers with Flynn waiting for my results.
I crossed my fingers. I didn't know if I wanted to be in or if I didn't but I was crossing my fingers for whatever I got.

Megan slowly called out the names of those chosen. "Tammy Wilson...and-"

I sighed. My name was about to call.

Flynn put his hand on my knee and smiled at me.

It was a guarantee that I got i-

"Brandy Lancaster. These are the girls chosen for the team. To the others who tried out..we're sorry you didn't make it but there's always next year."

My smile wiped off. I looked at Flynn. Even he looked mad. May looked at me with a puzzled look.

I watched Brandy walk over to Megan with a huge grin on her face. They hugged and I knew it was all planned.

I couldn't show defeat on my face so I clapped with everyone else.

Brandy stared at me with a smile.

I wasn't going to say anything. I wasn't going to express my rage but once Flynn stood up, I knew I wouldn't be able to hold it.

"Hey, Megan,"he shouted.

She looked at him.

"Don't you think that Harley deserved the part more than that?,"he pointed at Brandy.

"Yeah!,"I heard May shout. "All Brandy did was whine and grind on the court."

Brandy's jaw dropped and she furrowed her brows.

"It's fine,"I smiled at Megan. "Don't listen to them. There's alway next year,"I said ironically and stood up about to walk away.

"But you don't have next ye-,"Megan tilted her head.

"You don't think I freakin' know that?,"I walked down the bleachers angrily. "You encouraged me to come waste my time in these stupid booty shorts!,"I walked over to her.

"Harley,"she put her hand on my shoulder.

I held her wrist and lifted her hand off my shoulder.

"You were great, but you didn't meet our requirements."

"Really?,"I folded my arms,"Tell me what I didn't do that she,"I pointed at Brandy," did. Because so far she's been doing everything that I'm not and she's been getting everything that I want."

"Harley, don't make a scene,"Megan shook her head.

I giggled angrily. "Don't make a scene?" I walked over to Brandy. "This is making a freaking scene." I quickly pulled my arm back and launched my fist into her face. Everyone gasped.

She fell to the floor and I shook my hand off. I walked over to the door and walked out of the court.

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